6-Hour Can-Am Endurance Race...
Tom Thumb Hobbies, Columbus, OH
155' American Blue King Track... same track the 2008 R4 was raced on.
IRRA Can-Am rules will be used.
**SPECIAL NOTE** All cars must have .050" clearance front to rear for this event. Front will be teched with guide/braid off the tech block.
Track will open at 9 AM.
Tech at 10 AM.
Racing starts at 11 AM.
Three man teams (minimum)
Eight 45 minute heats... 2 minute lane changes
Any and all work on cars can only be done during green flag conditions. NO working on cars during the lane changes.
One chassis... one body for the entire event.
Extra motors, tires, etc., will be pre teched, marked, and impounded until the teams need those parts.
Entry Fees... $20.00 per driver.
Mike says he is buying a five-foot tall trophy for the winners to take home to their local raceway or whatever the drivers decide to do with it.
There will also be a FREE COOK-OUT Dinner after the race is over for all participants and it's all on Mike. Dinner time should be around 6 PM.
Outisight/Fast Ones is supplying some awards.
Stay tuned for more details...
Events for August 01, 2008
in Nat'l/Reg'l
August 2008
August 2008
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