WHEELS All-Scale Retro Race
Saturday, May 4, 2013
1/24 Scale Retro Can-Am/F1 - SCCRA rules; 1/32 Womp - local rules; 1/64 scale, Al's Landsharks, loaners available.

All day/evninge racing. $8 per race or $25 for all day race and deli sandwich/pizza/drink/snack lunch.
Inaugural Race.
85' Baby Blue King (aka BB King), 4" lane centers, 50 amp power supply at 12v, copper Braid recessed .015-.020".
Please note: Dry track - NO GLUE! NSR tire oyle or the infamous SoCal tire conditioner.

89' The Hammer

57' The International

More details to come.
10653 E Apache Trail, Suite 102
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
(480) 249-2090