Friday, September 11 - Track will OPEN at 10:00 AM 7:00 PM - B-Production race, $15 entry fee
Saturday, September 12 - Track will OPEN at 7:00 AM 10:00 AM - JRL race, $15 entry fee Open Gp 12 - $15 entry fee 1/24 Eurosport - $25 entry fee
Sunday, September 13 - Track will OPEN at 7:00 AM 9:00 AM - 1/32 F1 Falcon & Eurosport, $8 Falcon, $12 F1 entry fees 1/32 Eurosport - $15 entry fee 1/32 C-Can Eurosport - $12 entry fee 1/32 Production - $8 entry fee
All races will be held on the 155' Ogilvie Super 8 track.
Track time will be $5 per day.
There will be 1/2 hour from the end of each class until tech closes for the next class. The track power will be left on.
Payout will be 50% of entry fees to the top half of each field in race certificates. Winner of each class will receive an ISRA/USA National Champion jacket.
We have limited the classes raced each day to make race days more manageable.
There will be two more practice dates - August 8 and 29, 2009. See our website for schedules.
Hope to see everyone in September for some great racing!