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Event: • Michigan Retro Race #4, Belleville, MI

in Nat'l/Reg'l
Added by markdshark , 26 Jan 2010

Taking place 20 Feb 2010 02:00 PM (Single Day Event)


Hoping to build on the sucess of our latest race (sixteen Can-am and nine F1s) TSS Hobbies announces...

Michigan Retro Race #4

We will be racing Can-Am and F1. The raceway will open at 9:00 AM, with a tentative start of 1:00 PM.

We could move up the start time up to accommodate out-of-town entries. So, if you're coming, let Bill know.

Come on out, and help get Retro Racing going in Michigan!!!

TSS is located in the K-Mart shopping center, just south of I-94, at the Rawsonville Rd. exit, between Ypsilanti and Detroit Metro Airport.

T.S.S. Hobbies
2055 Rawsonville Rd
Belleville, MI 48111
(734) 487-8410


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