In a sincere effort to keep the guys from giving me grief for dragging my feet posting last month, I'm trying to post the June race results a bit more quickly.
Saturday, June 25 gave us an excellent opportunity to run our IROC cars on our routed, 75-foot, four-lane track. And it made for another great day of racing...along with several snide comments made occasionally under our breaths. But it's all in good fun. We also had a great turnout, including one new racer. We welcomed Eric Prevost into the Doghouse Gang on this Saturday. He's welcome to join us anytime, as we also compete against Eric when we race RC cars at the local track. Great guy, and we're glad to have him join us as long as he can tolerate us.
The Gang as it existed on this date...
[From L to R: Eric Prevost, Dan Parker, Bob Arneson, David Erickson (seated), Dr. Bob Feller, Richard Sylvester, Allen Evans, Jim Beasley)
We utilized our usual format: run three races and take the top two (drop the third) for the final total. As mentioned above, we ran our IROCS, which use the tried-and-true T-Flex chassis. (Thanks for your tome, Cheater!) They're solid and, when setup well, very quick. On this day, Dan Parker took the four cars and gave them a good going-over prior to race day since we hadn't used them in a while due to COVID precautions.
For those who don't know: Being an IROC race, the car stays on the same designated colored lane but moves to the spot where you ended the last heat in the lane rotation. Each of us runs each of the four cars in their assigned lanes, so conditions and car performance are reasonably equal for everyone. The only things that change are the driver and controller. Yes, we use our own controller. Did that explanation of IROC make sense?
Regardless, it was a blast, with each of the three heats proving to be exciting:
When the racing -- and trash-talking -- were over, the results were in. As always, it was tight at the finish:
No telling what we'll race later this month, since we didn't discuss at the time. Maybe we'll decide on Thursday night when we gather for our weekly bench-racing session. Sometimes, we actually put cars on the tracks, too.
Whatever we choose to race, it will be lots of fun for all. Our races are always open to visitors, too, as well as new members of the gang. In fact, it was great to have Eric join us for this race. We hope we didn't irritate him too much. He'll be back...maybe.
Until next time.