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Merry Christmas to me

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#1 Lone Wolf

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Posted 22 December 2022 - 07:50 PM

As you may or may not know HO is my first love. My Uncle was heavily involved with Aurora and had a plastic factory in Brooklyn where he did sub work for Aurora.


At one time I literally had thousands of cars but sold most of them off after I was involved in 3 car accidents, all not my fault and went into a very bad funk for a few years.


Anyway, I'm slowly rebuilding and I just picked these up.


Just happened to click on these at the right time.


Almost impossible to win anything good HO on eBay.


Even busted up junk goes for big bucks.


I have some of these already but I'll sell them to keep moving forward filling in.


One cool thing is that most of these have the bigger AJ's silicones on the rear.


Also see some pigtails here and other mods.


At first I couldn't figure out the front wheels on the Stang, but then I realized they are reversed big chrome hubs.


Been collecting for 50 years + and this is the first time I've seen this. Very creative.





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Joe Lupo

#2 993


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Posted 22 December 2022 - 11:03 PM

The Cheetah and the Chaparral were my favorites long ago.


A buddy sent me a few cars recently.


IMG_3165 (3).jpg

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Mike Gehgan

#3 don.siegel


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Posted 23 December 2022 - 04:05 AM

Fascinating bunch of cars Joe. 


I especially like that hot rod: is that an Aurora body with an Atlas chassis and a TycoPro front end? Very strange... 



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#4 Lone Wolf

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Posted 23 December 2022 - 08:38 AM

Yes Don, you nailed it 100%.


Very impressed with your H.O. knowledge.


A lot of work to produce the slowest and ill handling car of the bunch :laugh2:


I must admit I made some Aurora/Tyco/Atlas hybrids back in the day as well.


We drag raced H.O. cars everyday and had a scale quarter mile with two transformers etc.


I made some pretty fast T-jets using A/FX parts including Super II arms etc.


One day we invited a kid from a neighboring town to come race as we were sure we would shut down his bragging of the fastest car etc.


He whipped out a completely stock Tyco Pro Trick Mustang ( we hadn't got our hands on one yet ) and proceeded to whoop our *** :shok:


Next day it was off to Willis hobbies where the other kid bought his and I became the proud owner of a green Trick Camaro :good:


Can't beat em', join em'

Joe Lupo

#5 don.siegel


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Posted 26 December 2022 - 11:24 AM

Great story Joe. That was just on the drag strip, right? If I remember correctly, the early TycoPros were not so great on the curves, altho much faster than the equivalent Aurora cars. 


Thanks for the compliment too: I was mostly an HO racer for a couple years, at home, mostly alone, occasionally with local friends, but never got into the "serious" stuff as much as I later did commercial 1/24 racing. Started with one of the early T-jets and picked up various cars over the years... Got a TycoPro because I was curious, but by then I was mostly out of HO racing - and still have a hard time following the market evolutions over the last 50 years. Life Like? Tomy? who can keep it all straight?? 



#6 Lone Wolf

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Posted 26 December 2022 - 03:56 PM

Thanks, Don.


We had a road course that the Tycos did indeed suck on but we were full on drag nuts.


The track was at my best friend Ted's house across the street.


He is a mechanical genius and is still at it today.


He works for S+S doing research and building hairy motors.




This is him again.


I know I'm throwing around some names here but I assure every one of my stories are true.



Joe Lupo

Electric Dreams Online Shop