I have an old X12 setup. The can has the Red Fox logo on it.The issue is the plastic endbell had a screw break off so I need to replace the endbell. I bought a Red Fox endbell but looking closer I think the broken one is Pro Slot. The reason is looking online I see that the Pro Slot endbells seem to have a raised area around the hole where the brush hoods get fastened (I'll try to post pictures soon if I'm not explaining well enough). Unfortunately the Red Fox endbell that I ordered doesn't have any pre-drilled holes at all for the holes to hold on the hoods for the brushes.
Is there any easy way to drill these holes correctly without going down a loooong rabbit hole of building motors? I'm guessing not but wanted to ask. Seems like my only easy option would be to buy the proslot end bell with the pre-drilled holes for the hood screws..
Red Fox without holes that I bought:
Pro Slot with holes that I should have bought?
Seems like I might only be out 9 bucks and lesson learned. I don't know why I didn't realize that the Red Fox didn't have pre-drilled brush hood screw holes. I understand that you can adjust timing but drilling the holes where you want but if it's just a lot more to learn then I'd rather just skip it and use pre-drilled.