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AZGR 2023 Tax Protest race results - 4/22

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#1 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 02:37 PM

           AZGR Logo 2020 copy 2.png


Another Tax Protest Race, this time on Earth Day but that's ok, We raced little electric cars using power derived mostly from hydroelectric with no toxic batteries.


Racers again came from all over the State. There were 12 of us, some raced all day and others joined in as they could.


Bob Newnum came to Marshal for us again after doing it for Indycar and IMSA in Long Beach.


The racers included;


Stan Ferris, Carey Wiess, Steve Hill, Rick Schonfeld, Lee Bumbalow, Herb and Brandon Morris, Jim Armstrong, Brian "Titanium" Gibbens, Mike Pyska and Doobie (Me).


We set up the tent and track and set about testing and catching up on things.


We didn't rush it and got a late start so we decided to combine Fly Classics (The short cars.) with Fly Longtails. 


Both are built to the same rules but in the past it seemed that the longer cars had the disadvantage of being tail happy and so we recently put a bunch together to race by themselves.


This took us from a planned seven races down to five and saved some time.


Before I get to the racing I want to mention that Rick and Lee both proposed that we start what I call "Seeding the Clouds"


There is a group of us that have driven the constant addition of classes in both 1/32nd and 1/24th making it difficult for the guys that are busy with life to keep up.


Over the years we have run many races either as IROC style or supplied loaners to the guys who need them.


To help boost the car counts we decided to award a car for the highest finishing non car owner in various races so through out the race reports below you'll see cars being awarded to various racers, the only caveate is that they can only win once in a class and in a race event.

Today we had three races scheduled in which we didn't do this, 1/24th BRM GTP/C , 1/24th ScaleAuto GT, and 1/24th Can Am all of which are either hard to come by or pricey to build. We still handed out 4 cars!

It turned out to be great and here's a huge thanks to all who provided cars!!!



Dave Deuble


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#2 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 03:49 PM

The first Race of the day was Revo Slot LMP/GT


Revo Lineup.png


First Place in the Race was sponsored by The Bachman Men, Rick and his sons Tyler and Ryan.

They put up a Slot-it Chaparral for this race on Black Friday last year and we didn't get to that race so Rick said hang on to it and we'll use it next time. When I invited them to this race they were busy but said award it anyway!


I threw out a couple of motors for second and third.


Steve Hill sponsored the Giveaway car.


1. Revo Slot.png


Rick Schonfeld took off and won by 4 laps followed by Lee, Steve and Titanium (the Racer formerly known as Steel.) 😆


Revo Race Winner.png


Steve presents the giveaway car to Jim, a nicely sorted Revo Ferrari 333SP!


Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 1.45.40 PM.png







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Dave Deuble


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#3 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 04:12 PM

The second race was Scaleauto GT




We had one more driver than we had loaners so I chose to run my Slotfabrik chassis car and not be scored and I loaned out my regular ride to one of the guys.


During the race someone dared to reach under the light bridge and by this time it  had happened a few times so I warned them... Don't reach under the Light bridge!


No hands under the light bridge.png


After that things calmed down appreciably and we had a nice and wild body slamming' race. I was really enjoying driving the Fola car, it is as smooth as can be but with the same tires, gears and motor as the Scaleauto chassis it was mid pack at best due to the heavier chassis. 


2. Scaleauto.png


Rick sponsored this race and since he won, he presented the prize to Steve Hill.


Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 2.10.59 PM.png









Dave Deuble


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#4 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 04:29 PM

Next up was 1/24th BRM GTP/GrC.


Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 2.19.10 PM.png


We had just enough loaners to cover everyone with a car although I loaned Brandon a BRM 917 on a gen 1 plastic chassis and shod with Quick Slicks.


I ran my Tamiya Ford Probe GTP bodied car and was having a good run with Rick until the motor came loose and shaved the teeth off the crown gear.


Rick put in one of his ICEMAN performances with 34 laps on each lane and although Steve had his amazing gold car wound tight he was one shy of Rick.


In all of this Herb took my 962 to third for his first podium finish since he's been racing with us!









Dave Deuble


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#5 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 05:06 PM

This gets kind of complicated because we ran two races within a race. We combined our old Fly Classic class with Fly/SRC Longtail cars. Those of us who owned cars chose which class to run and loaned cars to those who didn't have one. In the line up picture below the yellow 917 and the green Lola look to be long but it is just the perspective of the camera angle. 


Lee sponsored the Race prize and Giveaway car for the Longtails.


Rick Schonfeld sponsored the Race prize and Giveaway car for the Classics.


As it turned out we ended up with even numbers of both cars.





It was a really good race, the track was nice and clean by now and the cars were hooking up really well for Flys and SRCs on silicones.


Lee and Steve won their respective races.


Here is the shot from the screen of the combined results and below that is the breakdown of the order in each class.


4. Fly Long and Short.png


Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 2.38.56 PM.png


 Herb got his second Podium with third in Longtails and won a car and his Grandson Brandon got his first podium and although he has an old beat up Fly I gave him a nice 908 to build into a Classic.


Since he won, Lee gave me the Longtail race prize for my second place and I'm sure Rick gave Steve something for winning the Classic race but I don't have a picture of that.


Here's a picture of Lee presenting the Giveaway Longtail to Herb who's smile sez it all!


Herb's first podium and wins the Longtail car.png


Here's another look at Lee's gorgeous SRC, the overall winner.


Lee's Longtail .png










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#6 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 05:28 PM

The last race of the day turned out to be Sideways Group 5s. Mike Pyska and Carey Wiess had joined us and Rick and Stan and Titanium had things to go to so we only went down to seven drivers. I was thinking I might have a shot at this one and maybe I wouldn't get skunked again at my own race...

Loaner cars were loaned and we got rollin and in the first heat Steve's new car developed a problem.

Since he had loaned out his other car I loaned him my Austin Slot Car Club style inline motored car.

And to show his gratitude he kicked my @$$.


5. Sideways Group5.png


But that's cool, I was sponsoring the race prize and the Giveaway car


Here's Steve getting his box of suckers for the win. (And a SCC gift Cert.)


Steve wins Group 5 .png


Mike Pyska won the Giveaway car, A Sideways Porsche JDavid 935/78


Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 3.11.42 PM.png


A giant Thank You to all who helped set up and tear down the tent and track. I couldn't do it without your help!


See you at the next race!


Bring a 1966 to 1974 Can Am...



Dave Deuble


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#7 Mr. M

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Posted 02 May 2023 - 05:58 PM

Ask Mike Pyska if he ever worked at Harris or Intersil?

Chris McCarty

#8 Dayble


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 06:13 PM

It seems that you just did.

Dave Deuble


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#9 Vulcan


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Posted 02 May 2023 - 06:30 PM

Yes, that would be me Chris.  Since then I upgraded from Scirocco to Porsches :D

Mike Pyska
Phoenix, AZ

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#10 Dayble


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Posted 04 May 2023 - 03:42 PM

Here are some late photos from the Group 5 Race






Mike receiving the Group 5 Giveaway car.



Dave Deuble


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