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Mossetti chassis variants

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#1 AB75


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Posted 29 August 2023 - 07:26 PM

I've been scrolling through older posts about the Mossetti chassis, but I still haven't found a clear, concise explanation of the different variations of their chassis. Does anyone have a list or link to something that explains what the highlights of each chassis are and what they are best suited for (motor, track type, body, durability, etc)? I recently ended up with a Patriot Striker and a Patriot Defender with alum. pans and would like to know more about them and how they compare to the Avenger, Sport, etc. Thanks!
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Adam Borkat

#2 Wizard Of Iz

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Posted 29 August 2023 - 09:39 PM

Adam .... welcome to my confusion when I resumed racing last year after a long hiatus.  It was quickly obvious that my JK Cheetah X25 and JK Aeolus  chassis were too heavy for the Florida Slot Car Series (FSCS) LMP and GTP classes. .... So, I created a table that would - hopefully - let me pair the right components. My budget doesn't allow for just throwing money at different components just to test a theory.  


I don't drive well enough to use Aluminum pans ... but the Mossetti Aluminum pans seem to be WAY more durable than the JK Aluminum pans.


From my VERY brief exposure to the Mossetti line of chassis components .... here's my observation.


The original Avenger and Defender center sections are the ones with the "horns" in the front.  Both have been discontinued  ... but some are probably still hanging around some track walls.  From talking with racers who have ran these longer than I have, these center sections handle really well ... but those horns are prone to getting bent and tend to damage bodies.


The Avenger Air center section works pretty good ... but can only take the "stock" Heavy pan or the Insane pan.  That limits its versatility.  I had one ... and sold it.


The Avenger 2 center section is compatible with all of the Mossetti pans and seems to build into a car that's consistent and perhaps more forgiving.  Makes it very suitable for a track that's not super smooth.


The Defender 2 center section is compatible with all of the pans and I think it builds into a car that might be a tick faster ... in the hands of a racer who has the skill to drive a car on the edge.  And, I think it's a better choice on smooth tracks and ones that have more banking.


My solution was to gradually build cars with each center for the LMP and GTP classes in the Florida Slot Car Series (FSCS).    


In FSCS, our Stock Car class (CR-102 motors geared 13:35 or 14:35 or Mid America Retro Eagle motors geared 13:35) has a 92 gram minimum weight limit, so I have an Avenger 2 Center (#3013) with the Heavy Weight Steel Pan (#3122) and one with a Heavy Oval Track Pan (#2034) to use when we race at Fast Eddie's in Pinellas Park.  My other Stock Car is a JK C43 Aeolus which is right at the weight limit and is also very competitive.


Our LMP class (same motor rules as Stock Cars) has a 82 gram minimum weight limit, so I have an Avenger 1 Center (#3012) with an Ultra Light Steel Pan (#2024) which then needs just a couple of strategically placed weights to make the minimum.  And, I have a Defender 2 Center (#2015) with an Ultra Light Steel Pan (#2024) that also needs just a little weight added to it.  I find that I run the Defender 2 more often than the Avenger in this class.  Though ... I might have better finishes if I drove the more comfortable car (Avenger) that fits my diminished reflexes rather than the faster car.


Our GTP class (Ralph Thorne Raptor Pro or Mid America Enforcer motor geared as you please) doesn't have a weight limit so I have an Avenger 2 (#3013) and a Defender 2 (#2015) each setup with the Mega Ultra Light "Insane" Steel Pan (#2039).  However ... I know a couple of really fast guys use the Ultra Light Extreme (#2035) as they feel like it builds a more balanced car.  My eyesight has a little trouble with these cars so I tend to use the more comfortable Avenger 2 car .... though my Defender 2 car is faster.


Here's the table 



Attached File  Mossetti Chassis Components - 082923 PDF.pdf   74.8KB   208 downloads





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Rollin Isbell

#3 dalek


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Posted 31 August 2023 - 10:05 AM

I race mostly Mossetti chassis and have at least one of each variation of Defender, Striker and Avenger centers.
I can't help you in regard to saying which center/pans combination will work best on such and such track.  I've had fast and forgiving cars with a lot of different combos.
However, the following points might be helpful:  
-- The Striker is the strongest center (and only 3 grams heavier than the Defender I).
-- You are very limited in regard to what pans can be used with the Avenger X and Air centers (as Rollin said).
-- The heavy pan that is made for the X and Air, is the only Mossetti pan that has short mounting tabs.  Note, Ernie told me that he made the tabs the same height as typical JK tabs.  Also, he doesn't plan to offer a variation of the pan with tabs the same height as all other Mossetti pans.
-- Body clips that snap securely into JK pans, are loose when used with Mossetti pans.
I solved the body clips issue by partially unbending JK body clips then rebending them to be slightly shorter.  I made a little fixture to help me do this, resulting in consistent results.
It seems like some people that used to use body clips have switched to using body pins but I don't like using pins.  
-- For one thing, clips allow me to get bodies off and on much quicker than I can with pins.  
-- Also, IMO, clips reduce the likelyhood that a car will be fumbled when it's being marshaled b/c clips give fingertips something to get a hold of.

I got the following January 2023 order form (product list) from Ernie:  

mossetti racing order form excel January 2023 pg1.gif


mossetti racing order form excel January 2023 pg2.gif


#4 Rob Voska

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Posted 31 August 2023 - 03:50 PM

I still haven't found a clear, concise explanation of the different variations of their chassis. 


To get you to buy them.

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#5 Hot Slots

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Posted 31 August 2023 - 05:22 PM

The different pans help in many ways, if you wanna go fast/faster. I find having the large selection of interchangeable pans is great for running cars at the minimum weight, if you have weight rules. In the Flexi Series I occasionally race in there are minimum weight rules in each class, all classes being different. You can come in light and add lead weight to the chassis where its needed to get around the track even faster.

Lighter pans bring reliability issues as well, i stick with the steel pans.
Brandon Eden

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