Buying used industrial machines if checked out & in good working order are a much better buy than the "hobby" lines most places sell. Yes they are heavy, for a reason. They have more HP & were made to work not play.
Give the choice between a new hobby lathe or a used industrial lathe in good repair I would always take the later. Also a machine cost is only part of the total cost. Tooling and space is huge part of any machine. They make phase converters to get away from the 3 phase issues.
I learned this lesson the hard way more than once. The "hobby" machine are usually too small for industry-wide "standards" like 5C collet tooling, standard length tools and so on. Because of this the "hobby" machines have proprietary tooling which barely solves the "too small" of machine AND is expensive beyond reality.
There isn't anything Sonic's Monarch 10ee can't do that a Unimat, Taig, Levin or other machines like that can do and it's worth more when it's time to sell.....