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NASCAR and Flexi at STR on 12/18/23

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#1 rvec


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Posted 19 December 2023 - 05:20 PM

Seven slot-heads raced Late Model NASCAR and Flexi on 12/18/23. Late model NASCAR was last run on 6/12/23 and action was fierce. Bob managed a win but Rich ran a personal best and finished second only a single section behind. Flexis were last run on 11/13/23 and were hotly contested with only a bit more than a lap separating the top three. Mark came out on top with Bob and Ron finishing second and third respectively. Expect some close and exciting competition for the current race.

Race Summary
  • In a very competitive Late Model NASCAR race, it was Bob, Rich and Ron for first through third respectively
  • In the Flexi race it was Rich, Bob and Ron for first through third respectively


It was Déjà vu in the NASCAR race. Like the last contest, Bob edged out Rich for the top spot. This time the margin of victory was only a few feet. Again, Rich ran a personal best.
Meanwhile the battle for the bottom step of the podium was being waged between Ron and Mark. In the end, Ron finished third beating Mark by about two laps.



In the Flexi race, Rich and Bob battled for the top spot. Bob was first in the barn with 94.4 laps. Rich entered his final heat needing 23+ laps to overtake Bob. In the end, Rich ran a good final heat to edge out Bob by a single section. So it was Rich first and Bob second.
Ron and Mark battled for the bottom step of the podium. In the end, Ron beat Mark by about a lap.


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Rich Vecchio

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