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Early Modified and Sports Car at Electron on 1/8/2024

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#1 rvec


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Posted 09 January 2024 - 09:33 AM

It has been quite some time since our last race at Electron (10/2/23). Unfortunately a spate of illnesses including at least two cases of Covid 19, vacations, holidays and family commitments have resulted in race cancellations. Hopefully much of that is behind us and we can get back to slots.
After the last event, Electron Raceway was cleaned and sprayed. Practice laps on the fresh surface indicated that the conditions would be excellent for both classes of cars. Look for some fine lap counts and exciting races.

Race Summary

Electron Raceway hosted the first races of 2024. Fresh from holiday madness, eight slot-heads showed up to race True Scale Sports Cars and Early Modified cars. Big thanks go out to super sub Ken for bulking up the field. A ninth potential racer, Terry, had planned to attend but was feeling a bit under the weather and decided to stay at home and rest. The entire crowd was enthusiastic and ready to have some fun after a holiday filled with alcohol, building doll houses, wrapping presents and dealing with the dreaded family gatherings. Most racers arrived early to reacquaint themselves with the nuances of Electron Raceway because it had been more than three months since turning a wheel at the track. A field of eight allowed for a full complement of marshals and they were needed, especially in the Sports Car race.

  • In the Early Modified race it was Rich, Bob and Ron, for first through third respectively
  • In the Sports Car race it was Rich, Bob and Joe for first through third respectively


We have been racing our Early Modified class of cars since April of 2021. The class was inspired by short, dirt track racing popular in the 60s. I have fond memories of “Stock Car Racing” at the Danbury, Connecticut fairgrounds featuring fenderless 30s and 40s rides with flathead power.

The chassis for this class is the simple and popular “Econo” type which has very tight specifications. As a consequence, Econo racing of any kind is very competitive with drivers in the hunt for podium finishes. In addition, overtaking is a challenge with open-wheeled rides; wheels touch and cars tumble.

  • Bob and Rich have been at the top of the tree
  • Others including Mark, Ron, Mike and Joe have been closing the gap. Any of these competitors could challenge with a bit more consistency

Early Modified Current Race

For the first race since a rather long layoff at Electron Raceway, the contest was relatively wreck free. All but two competitors posted consistency values of 92% or better. This may be attributed to the fact that Early Modified cars were run at STR recently and most competitors had their rides dialed in.
The race for the top step of the podium was between Rich and Bob. In the first heat Rich turned 23 laps while Bob was involved an a few incidents turning 21.8 laps. Rich managed to stay out in front for the balance of the race winning by about a lap and a half.

Ron, Joe, Lowell and Mark battled it out for third place. Their machines were quite evenly matched and resulting in a very competitive fight for the bottom step of the podium. In the end, Ron managed third with Joe in fourth, less than a half lap behind.

  • A new motor in Rich’s 32 Ford was the difference between first and second place
  • Kudos to Ken for turning a personal best with Rich’s loaner 37 Ford
  • Congratulations to Lowell who crushed his personal best by nearly two laps and was in the mix for a podium spot
  • Ron’s Maroon Ford took Concours honors
  • Scott’s Plymouth was a bit loose and could have benefitted from some new tires. Prior performances at Electron were as much as .1 second per lap faster.




The True Scale Sports Car class is one of my favorites. The standard H-Bracket chassis/ProSlot motor combined with the light and low Ferrari bodies lead to quick and consistent lap times. Most all competitors have migrated to the Ferraris. The Ferrari 458 is the most popular body; however, the Ferrari F430 is a fine second choice because it is more prevalent in the marketplace and as a consequence much less expensive.


  • Bob’s newly re-motored Ferrari 458 has yet to match the performance with its former motor. It seems to be about .1 seconds/lap off the pace
  • Rich’s F430 powered by a Deathstar was only .05 seconds/lap slower than the race winner
  • All other competitors posted fast lap times between 5.1 and 5.2 seconds per lap
  • Although Rich and Bob are favored for the top spot, the remaining step on the podium should be closely contested

Sports Car Current Race

The Sports Car race was punctuated by a number of wrecks. Bodies were separated from chassis; endos were spectacular. In fairness, True Scale sports cars are a bit tougher to handle than Early Modifieds.

Although Rich took the early lead, the race for the top step of the podium came down to the final heat. Entering that heat, Rich and Bob were tied at 68.8 laps apiece. Both ran clean heats, however, Rich managed to win the race by about a half of a lap.

The race for the bottom step of the podium was between, Joe, Mark, Scott and Ron. In reality, Joe’s first two heats were unspectacular, turning only 20.7 in both. In his third and fourth heats, Joe turned up the gas and managed to slip ahead of Mark and Scott for a third place finish.


  • Ron put himself at a disadvantage by running a Porsche 918, a relatively heavy body. Even so, his fast lap time was competitive with others. Unfortunately, consistency suffered with the heavy body.
  • Mark opted for an OSCAR based Ford GT rather than his True Scale Ferrari 458 (which had some issues in practice)


  • Tim Neja and Eddie Fleming like this

Rich Vecchio

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