I did ask a month or so ago and they said nothing new available. i also reached out again today... waiting for a reply.
I did hear from others about difficulty getting parts that might be considered "legacy." i.e., they have been replaced by different types of controllers/PCBs/whatever. Apparently, the automotive world had a similar issues where companies manufacturing "legacy" based circuitry are no longer making parts as they have been discontinued. Basically parts suppliers are saying "upgrade or die," I guess? I'm assuming making these parts in the good ol' USA would be very cost prohibitive...
I wish I had the knowledge to come up with my own controllers using newer microcontroller tech. Or even older stuff. I watched the video from CleaveTech where he made a box up with an adjustable choke. The one nice feature is having a full choke bypass when trigger is compressed all the way. I don't know if he showed how to make that. Anyways, back on track...
I'll post if I hear anything back regarding time lines of new controller availability. Couple of my concerns:
1) I wish vendors could possibly share timelines or concerns about parts with their customers... "be more open." Maybe there isn't much to gain here, not sure. Would potentially keep people informed and avoid threads like this?
2) There are just very limited options for controllers that can be serviced in the states that might be more performance-oriented.