Going forward all race reports from Race Ya on Staten Island will be on this one thread.
Last nights Nascar Hawk 7 race saw 26 racers fight it across 3 mains. We had another new racer .......seems like we get 1 a week. Tom Mascialino ran in the C main with a loaned out car from Top racer Anthony Onesto. Anthony is always looking out for new guys and helping out the old guys too. A great Ambassador to the sport.
Tom M. took 6th place in the C main. Not too bad for a new comer..................Tom is a Buzz A Rama guy from years back. Our racing program is growing in leaps and bounds.........Thanx to everyone involved for helping to bring SLOT CAR RACING back to Staten Italy.
We are now up to 45 racers who are involved across all of our classes. .......and its not showing any sign of stopping. We actually had another guy come in last night and buy 2 cars 2 controllers and 2 boxes plus tools and cleaners ................he and his son want to start racing.
Here are last night results: