Slot car tire truing machines - past, present, & future
Posted 22 March 2024 - 01:20 PM
- Cheater, team burrito and Steve Deiters like this
Greg Gaub
Posted 23 March 2024 - 09:45 AM
Nice! I had a feeling I'd get more vintage stuff when I posted this list. I'll get those added to the list later today.
Greg Gaub
Posted 23 March 2024 - 06:37 PM
This is such a museum piece that I was using it today.
Posted 23 March 2024 - 07:35 PM
I have one of Rick's R-geo tire truers.
- Rob Voska and bbr like this
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"Fool me once, same on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."
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Posted 23 March 2024 - 08:08 PM
Kalhoza has a couple, KV, S&K, BSV
Posted 23 March 2024 - 08:11 PM
I don't recall what the RGEO tire truer looked like.
I recall when Jerry was "fire selling" those flat sander tire truers for $35. I should have bought one, but I had a Cobra.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 23 March 2024 - 09:38 PM
This is such a museum piece that I was using it today.
Apparently anything older than 20 years can be referred to as "vintage" of whatever year/decade it was made in, or popular during.
Greg Gaub
Posted 25 March 2024 - 12:43 PM
I own an Eban Brand tire machine it's great.
- MrFlippant likes this
Posted 26 March 2024 - 06:34 AM
I own an Eban Brand tire machine it's great.
Have you got a photo Clyde?
Never mind I finally made the connection to the video above.
- MrFlippant likes this
Posted 06 April 2024 - 08:10 AM
I don't recall what the RGEO tire truer looked like.
Actually, it looks just like the JK truer above. (I have one, also.)
- Bill from NH likes this
South Carolina, USA
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- Pat Paulsen, 1968
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- Steven Wright ca. 1983
Posted 06 April 2024 - 09:46 PM
Funny I just used my 20 some odd years old ILPE tire truer to see if I could bring some older tires back to life. I used a power reducer to control the speed and it worked great. I was sure the belts would just disintigrate because they were so old. And this was the first time it had ever been used, shows how keeping something in a box will preserve rubber that looks like old whisperjet belts. This ILPE is very similar to the 2 motor unit listed above. The tires are working close to new again, so now I can make close to new tires whenever I need them. I also have a single motor unit but the belts are toast on it.
Posted 07 April 2024 - 06:46 AM
Are ILPEs the machines with the two revolving flat disks 90 degrees to each other? one for cutting the tire surface & the other for cutting the sidewalls? I seem to recall seeing ads years ago.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 07 April 2024 - 09:52 AM
Are ILPEs the machines with the two revolving flat disks 90 degrees to each other? one for cutting the tire surface & the other for cutting the sidewalls? I seem to recall seeing ads years ago.
I posted a link to it.
- Bill from NH likes this
Greg Gaub
Posted 07 April 2024 - 10:39 AM
I have a Hudy that I have had for years. It is the only truer I have ever owned. It works great unless you need to adjust for your tires coming out tapered. The loosen the screw and move the block adjustment is like farting in the wind. I know about clamping on a reference point and shims and all that but at best that is a pain.
Having said that how many of these truers have an adjustment to square up the tire and the grinding surface? I know the the Back track that Swiss sold has an adjustment screw. Do any of the others?
Posted 07 April 2024 - 10:08 PM
I have a Hudy that I have had for years. It is the only truer I have ever owned. It works great unless you need to adjust for your tires coming out tapered. The loosen the screw and move the block adjustment is like farting in the wind. I know about clamping on a reference point and shims and all that but at best that is a pain.
Having said that how many of these truers have an adjustment to square up the tire and the grinding surface? I know the the Back track that Swiss sold has an adjustment screw. Do any of the others?
Some do. It's something that should be engineered from the beginning, IMHO. It seems that even the most well built machine can be or get a tiny bit out of whack.
For my part, the G&S Tire Grinder I designed does have a method for tramming the sanding spindle to the axle, and I'm working on a revision that makes it much easier than it currently is. But, my machine is 3d printed, so most people disregard it when it comes to high performance truing. The closest design to mine is the Hot Grinder Pro, which is milled from billet aluminum, so usually garners more respect, but I don't know what kind of tramming it has.
Greg Gaub