In my previous post (, I started out thinking I would build a motor as a stressed member version of a contemporary retro anglewinder. But that didn't last long as I decided to build something conforming to the ruleset of the late 60s instead. But before I made that decision, I had already built a 3/4" chassis loop with a Hawk 6 Neo motor as a stressed member and it seemed a shame not to do something with it.
Now I've always loved builds in which folks (usually Rick) make an F1 anglewinder. And if you're using vintage motors, that usually entails trimming the can down to make things fit. But in this case, the can is a modern mini-can which requires no motor "fiddling" so this is the perfect opportunity for me to make an F1 anglewinder. And one of the things I love about Gene's design is the floating front wheels (although they float with the droparm). I'm going to forego the droparm entirely this time and just go with an iso design.
With that premise, up first is the main chassis loop which is simple enough. Up front is a Chicagoland 2 degree guide tongue followed by a down stop for the main loop using my preferred centering design. And nestled behind the motor's front chassis support is the hinge for the iso outrigger. I had to take care with the placement as I wanted it as far back as possible but not so far back as to block access to the end bell screw.