Back in the late 50s, my father, who worked for an industrial equipment supplier, changed employers, and the change brought us to the Rochester, NY area. He made several sales calls to a new "startup" company, and wound up selling them some equipment. During the time that he was at this company's location, assessing their needs, the employees he was dealing with were encouraging him to buy there stock, for two reasons.
Reason #1 was that they were trying to raise cash, to fund the company. Reason #2 was that these folks truly believed that they were "on to something" that would become a big deal. My father was never a big believer in the stock market, so he passed on their suggestion. I'm sure that my dad kicked himself a number of times, for not listening to those employees. The company they were employed by was a little known entity by the name of 'Haloid'......which later morphed into the corporate giant known now, as 'Xerox'.
My dad had the opportunity to become wealthy....very wealthy. However, when opportunity knocked on his door, he didn't answer it.