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Trackmate woes with second monitor

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#1 eshorer


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Posted 13 August 2024 - 07:58 PM

Whenever I plug in a 2nd large screen LG TV monitor to EITHER of my laptops (an older one using a PC cable, a new one using an HDMI cable), Trackmate runs normal for anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (and everything in between) before the car stops, and the timing on TrackMate stops running. I have access to the "Pause" button, and it will work again for a few laps after pausing and hitting the "Continue" button. If I UNPLUG the cable to the 2nd monitor it runs without a problem from the laptop. I've turned the Sleep mode and Screen Saver modes off, so that's not it.  Any ideas? 


Eddie (not so Fast anymore) Shorer
Team Boola (circa the '60s)

#2 Ramcatlarry


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Posted 13 August 2024 - 09:20 PM

You may need the $100 'video splitter'  to amplify the signal.


An 'amplifier' should have its own wall wart power supply to do the work.

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#3 eshorer


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Posted 13 August 2024 - 10:30 PM

You may need the $100 'video splitter'  to amplify the signal.

It looks like the splitters come in two types, $10. or $50., with I assume the difference being the more expensive ones amplify the signal. Since I'm going from a laptop with its built-in monitor to the TV monitor, would I just let one of the two that split off hanging there unused, and hope that the amplified signal does the trick? I guess it's worth a try. Do you happen to know if there are "amplified" cables, or something of the sort. 


Eddie (not so Fast anymore) Shorer
Team Boola (circa the '60s)

#4 Pappy


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Posted 14 August 2024 - 06:48 AM

I had to shorten the cables and disconnect my desktop monitor to get my LapMaster counter to work with two 55" monitors.

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Posted 14 August 2024 - 08:04 AM

I ran into an issue with my drag strip with adding a monitor at the end for the guys to write down their times after they fetch their car out of the shutdown.


I needed to buy a cable with a built in signal booster.




I'm not sure if it will solve your issue, but my point is they do sell a cable with a built in signal booster.

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Posted 14 August 2024 - 11:09 AM

This is good to know. I just installed a new 43 inch smart TV to use as a monitor. I am also in the middle of building a wooden track so I will have to wait to see if I have this issue. Great info guys.





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#7 eshorer


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Posted 14 August 2024 - 02:19 PM

I had to shorten the cables and disconnect my desktop monitor to get my LapMaster counter to work with two 55" monitors.



I ran into an issue with my drag strip with adding a monitor at the end for the guys to write down their times after they fetch their car out of the shutdown.


I needed to buy a cable with a built in signal booster.


attachicon.gif Screenshot_20240814_075956_Chrome.jpg


I'm not sure if it will solve your issue, but my point is they do sell a cable with a built in signal booster.

Dan from Trackmate thinks it may be some electrical interference, perhaps caused by some of the cables too near to the power source. Today I was able to run with the laptop and the large TV monitor both on, and everything worked fine and it didn't "freeze" or time out. HOWEVER, it counted a lap on a lane I wasn't running on. There wasn't even a controller hooked up to it. So I've definitely got a gremlin or two at work. I should mention, this is with a Dead Strip, not a light bridge. I'll get back to it for some extensive testing when I get back to town in a couple of weeks. Thanks guys. 


Eddie (not so Fast anymore) Shorer
Team Boola (circa the '60s)

#8 eshorer


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Posted 23 September 2024 - 10:26 PM

**UPDATE** It seems to be solved. First, to recap: When hooking up a large TV monitor in addition to my laptop running TrackMaster software with a deadstrip, the program would STOP at anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. I did hours of various testing, including purchasing a booster splitter, and a separate booster VGA cable, A booster cable arrived today, but it was solved before I even opened the pack. Another piece of the mystery: When I had cars going around and around at half throttle with a rubber band on the controllers, it was fine, and even ran for an hour straight in Practice mode. As soon as I started DRIVING one of the lanes, it would stop. Not really freeze, since I could move the mouse, abort the program, and restart it. 

So, the answer? ::drumroll:: Apparently the Power Supply I was using was the culprit! I don't know why, how, or if it suddenly went bad. All I know is that when I hooked up my original Trinity Power Supply, it's working without any glitches. I hope this assessment isn't premature, but I ran through the equivalent of five, three-minute races without a problem so far. I'll post an update after I host a Farrout race on October 5th.


Eddie (not so Fast anymore) Shorer
Team Boola (circa the '60s)

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