Unless there is a huge outcry from racers my pro brake rheostats will no longer have an off position. I feel this is an outdated feature, right?
This will give almost all of my controllers the ability to be changed from the standard right hand to left hand knob position on my recent circuit boards. Simply unsolder all the rheostats from the circuit board then install the traction rheostat in the sensitivity position and the sensitivity rheostat in the traction rheostat position on the opposite side. Pro brakes can simply be installed on the other side. Standard brake rheostats will need to have their anti rotation tab snapped off then they can be installed for left hand operation.
Circuit boards made within the last four years are all silk screened with knob positions on both sides. Older controllers can still be reversed even if the circuits are not completed for soldering direct to the rheostats.
Of course if you need an off position on your pro brake a quick cut with a dremel disc will take care of that.