Coming to discover if this is something that "happens" or if I have to start going through all the wiring.
I'm using Trackmate on an 8 lane roadcourse. It's been running great for a long time. Cut it on the other night and the green lane wouldn't count but one lap. Restart, and you get one lap.
I looked under the "test" tab and in fact, the lap count was running up faster than I can count. I visually examined the wiring at the lap counter, all seems as it should. I have an extra trackmate system so I swapped out the actual system under the track. No change.
No other lanes are affected. Computer is behaving fine.
So the first answer will be, wiring. I can live with that answer but hoping someone has seen this before and can narrow it down a little because everything looks good so far.
Another answer might be, delete and reload the trackmate software which I haven't done.
Looking for something to cut my time dragging my stiff body under the track.