APRIL 10-13
THE MODELVILLE HOBBY RETRO MARATHON is set to repeat. Who will win the medals this year?
Pit fee each day will be $10. Thursday’s pit fee is waived if you enter the IROC race. Sunday’s pit fee is waived if you enter the F1 race.
All qualifying will be laps and sections in one minute. Ties will be broken by the fastest lap.
All races will be combined laps and sections. Races will be one and done.
Thursday, April 10 – Doors open at 12:00.
IROC Retro Race on the Figure 8, starts at 7:00. Race fee is $15.
The raceway closes at 9:00 or ½ hour after end of race, whichever is later.
Friday, April 11 – Doors open 9:00AM.
IRRA Stock Cars - on the Royal. Tech opens at 5:15. Qualifying starts at 6:00 Race fee is $15.
The raceway closes at 10:00PM or 1/2 hour after end the race, whichever is later.
Saturday’s events will count toward your NERR point standing.
Saturday, April 12 – Doors open at 7:00. Handout motors available starting at 7:15.
IRRA Coupes – Handout motors – on the Aristocrat Tech opens at 9:15 and qualifying starts at 10:00. Entry fee is $35 with one hand out motor.
IRRA Can-Am – On the Sovereign Tech opens 45 minutes after the Coupe race ends. Qualifying starts 45 minutes after Tech opens. Entry fee is $15.
The raceway closes at 10:00 or ½ hour after the end of the race, whichever is later.
Sunday, April 13 – Doors open at 7:00
IRRA F1 – on the King. Tech opens at 9:15 and qualifying starts at 10:00. Entry fee is $15.
The raceway closes at 7:00 or ½ hour after end of the race, whichever is later.
We are working on sponsors to help with the cost of the races and for goody bags items.
Any questions please call or email Modelville Hobby at 508-881-7616 and rpayne9313@gmai;.com.
Modelville Hobby is the oldest and maybe the biggest slot car raceway in the country.
Come and race five different classes on five different racetracks. Where else can you do that?\
Modelville Hobby
280 Eliot St., Ashland, MA 01721
508-881-7616, Rpayne9313@gmail.com
Retro Marathon 2025.pdf 225.63KB