This restaurant is in Auburn, CA, and has a catchy name... and I and my sister ate there. Will return next visit...
Posted 05 January 2025 - 04:09 PM
Reminds me of "samla metchou peng la," fish head soup. Not as bad as it sounds.
Posted Yesterday, 10:11 AM
Maybe a chain?
No shortage of silly restaurant names;
Some not so suggestive;
At one company I worked for, there was a Chinese woman who would bring some kind of fish head soup for lunch. She would heat it in one of the microwaves in the employee cafeteria. It would so stink up the oven that no one could use it after her. As was the case for most unpleasant tasks, it fell to me to ask her to wait to cook her meals until everyone else was done. She had a short fuse, and stormed out of the cafeteria, cursing me out in Mandarin. Sounded like Hop Sing from the old horse opera Bonanza.
Posted Yesterday, 10:29 AM
best cooked and prepared out of doors. sin loi!