Today at Vero Beach was the first brushless state wing car race on the new Gerding King. It was one of four classes and had eight entrants. Any brushless less than 6500 kv could run.
They were rippin fast 2.5 to 2.8 laps and they were punched on most lanes. The light wweght 45 gram cars handled magnificently and they were easy to drive. So for about $70 you had a terror ESC and motor, way good.
Overall it was a very clean race with not the usual crash carnage and body ripping. And these guys know what they are doing. At the end, there were four left runnin;, the others had problems from just losing its mind and stopping to motors up in smoke. Compare this to the G12 race where there were eight of nine cars running at the end.
Much more to learn before this is mature for sure.