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Race results from MVH - 3/4, Coupe on the Aristocrat

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#1 sledman



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Posted Yesterday, 11:28 AM

Coupes on the Aristocrat – 3/4/25


This week’s MVH Tuesday Night Retro Race once again featured Coupes on the American Aristocrat. A limited field of six dictated the race be run in the three-on/three-off format to allow enough marshals to cover the corners and resulting in a race-length of sixteen heats.  


Six Coupes in Tech:



Bob “Woody” Hazelwood and Cody Pare were in the race for the win from the start as Dave Panich suffered controller problems and fell off the pace. By the midpoint of the race, Woody held a slim one lap lead over Cody, 143 to 142. Dave was in the running for the podium, leading Richard Payne by three laps, 135 to 132, though Rick Pare was in the hunt with 131 laps. John Esposito closed out the field with 128 laps.


In the second half, Cody took multiple rides on various other lanes, making the race closer than it should have been. Meanwhile, John Esposito was having handling problems due to a less-than-complete guide, resulting in various de-slots and riders. He ultimately pulled his car and finished the race with Woody’s back-up.


When the checkered flag flew, Cody held on to take the win by one lap over second-place finisher Woody. After fixing a broken solder joint in his controller, Dave was able to close the gap, but it was too little, too late, as he had to settle for the bottom podium step. Rick picked up his pace on the inside lanes and passed Richard to take fourth by one lap.


Cody posted the fastest lap of the night with a 4.356 on purple. Dave was the only other driver in the 4.3s with a 4.376, also on purple.  


Finishing order, laps completed, best lap time, best lap lane:

  1. Cody Pare               296/21       4.356       PU
  2. Bob Hazelwood       295/18       4.424       PU
  3. Dave Panich            290/2         4.376       PU
  4. Rick Pare                 275/2         4.606       PU
  5. Richard Payne         274/2         4.551       PU
  6. John Esposito          261/24       4.084       OR (rider)       



       MVH Tuesday Night Retro Race Schedule for March:

              Mar 11      Can-Am on the Figure 8

                  Mar 18      Stock Cars on the Royal

                  Mar 25      F-1 on the King


         Upcoming NERR Season 12 Events:


          Race No. 7: NERR will be back at Modelville Hobby THIS SATURDAY, March 8. Classes and tracks include:

              Stock Cars on the Royal

              F-1 on the King


          Race No. 8: At the end of March NERR will head to 1010 Raceway on Saturday, March 29, to run:

              Stock Cars on the Oval

              Can-Am on the King


Podium (L to R):

2nd Place – Woody Hazelwood, 1st Place – Cody Pare, 3rd Place – Dave Panich

podium 1.jpg


Cody’s 1st Place Chassis:

1st - Cody.jpg


Woody’s 2nd Place Chassis:

2nd - Woody.jpg


Dave’s 3rd Place Chassis:

3rd - Dave.jpg

David Panich

Electric Dreams Online Shop