How do you check ohms on MRC controller with Banana plug ? THANKS !

Checking ohms on MRC controller with banana plug?
Posted Yesterday, 02:27 PM
Posted Yesterday, 02:50 PM
I forget the wiring of the phono plugs. I'd unscrew the black cover & with an ohmmeter measure the resistance between the black-wired lug & the white -wired lug. That should tell you if you got an open or shot. If you want to measure just the resistance of the resister, open the handles & measure it there. The three elements of the phono plug are insulated from each other unless the plug is defective or its wiring is messed up somehow.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted Today, 09:39 AM
A small technical correction to Bill's directions would be if you measure at the phono plug's black and white you will have to depress the plunger until it hits the first band to get an ohm reading for the resistor. If you open the handle then you want to measure from the white wire to the first skinny band on the resistor to get the ohm reading.
Of course the easiest way to get an answer would be to open the handle and look for the ohm reading printed on the resistor!
Jim Difalco
Difalco Design
3075 NE Loquat Lane
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
(772) 334-1987