Next months' Retro schedule brings the John Cukras/ Pete Zimmerman "Festival of Speed" to Piranha Raceway on April 25-27. 5 races over 3 days with IRRA events of Can-Am, F1 and Stockcar and SCRRA events of Retro Pro and Retro Anglewinder Coupe. While technically not on the Retro schedule, don't forget the usual LMP race on the Flat track on Thursday evening with a starting time of approximately 6 PM.
FRIDAY, April 25 will feature IRRA Stockcar on the King track with tech at 10 AM. SCRRA Retro Pro, also on the King, will follow with the usual starting time of 6 PM.
SATURDAY, April 26 will have IRRA F1 on the King track with tech at 10AM. SCRRA Retro Coupe will follow on the Flat track with tech approximately an hour after the end of Retro Pro.
SUNDAY, April 27 will be the final day of the event and feature the premier race of the weekend, IRRA Can- Am on the King track. This will be a handout motor race and racers will be allowed to purchase as many of the marked and numbered CR102's as they desire and the motors may be purchased on Saturday. Tech will begin at 10AM.
More details to follow....