Chicago Area: Greatlakes Slot Car Club
Posted 09 November 2008 - 02:02 PM
Crystal Lake, IL Koeller Raceway (Ron Koeller & Larry Kelley) 75 ft wood & copper 4 lane.
Elgin, IL
Naperville, IL
Plainfield, IL
Elmhurst, IL
Portable Club track has also been used (five- 4x8 sheets; 4-lane track).
We have hosted the Ninco regional Races at Al's Hobby as well as the SCX regionals on the club track in 2008.
The Club also managed the public participation Ninco track at the Rosemont I-Hobby Show (America's largest public hobby show).
Each track has its own schedule for local participation as well as Club events usually on Friday or Saturday evenings.
Larry D. Kelley, MA
retired raceway owner... Raceworld/Ramcat Raceways
racing around Chicago-land
Diode/Omni repair specialist
USRA 2023 member # 2322
IRRA,/Sano/R4 veteran, Flat track racer/MFTS
Host 2006 Formula 2000 & ISRA/USA Nats
Great Lakes Slot Car Club (1/32) member
65+ year pin Racing rail/slot cars in America
Posted 19 May 2017 - 09:56 AM
Almost ten years later and the club is still going. Several track and membership changes, but always good racing. Website and facebook info active.
Monthly first Saturdays: open house at Cary, Illinois Meadowdale Raceway Museum (MIRPA.com) 9am to 1pm.
Larry D. Kelley, MA
retired raceway owner... Raceworld/Ramcat Raceways
racing around Chicago-land
Diode/Omni repair specialist
USRA 2023 member # 2322
IRRA,/Sano/R4 veteran, Flat track racer/MFTS
Host 2006 Formula 2000 & ISRA/USA Nats
Great Lakes Slot Car Club (1/32) member
65+ year pin Racing rail/slot cars in America