I'm very sorry
GTP Joe for not getting back to you sooner
To answer your question about "tight" & "loose" chassis conditions on the "Asp 4" chassis. When one of these chassis (Asp 4) is "tight" this means that the car is not sliding around the turns, as it should. The "Asp 4" likes a clean track (Not much rubber) once the there is a lot of rubber on the track, the tuning window is very narrow for the stock chassis.
When looking at this picture from the rear.....

First, you will see the "up-stops" that were added (.032) some chassis came with them others did not, I added mine. Next you will see the rear pin tube body mount (another tuning tool) In front of the rear pin tube is the "Bite Bar" or how I've known it to be called through out the years. A stock Asp "4" comes with a "Bite Bar" made of .046 piano wire, soldered to each side of the the "Bat Pans" Oh .... I mean the "Bite Bar" is soldered to each mounting boss that holds the the (bite bar/ rear pin tube) Heck .... These things have no stinking bat pans, what was I thinking

In retrospect, the Asp "4" in stock form is a "tight" chassis.
* REMEMBER* The "4" flys the mail when track condition's suit this chassis in it's stock form
Onward.... On too the "loose" side of things

The "Bite Bar" on the "loose" chassis is now a peice of .032 piano wire (or your choiceof size) and is
SOLDERED TO ONE SIDE OF THE CHASSIS'S REAR PIN TUBE/BITE BAR MOUNTING BOSS as shown in the picture above. In order to do this, you will have to remove the "Bite Bar" all together, and ream the one hole that the "Bite Bar" will move back and forth in. (unsoldered side) Solder the "Bite Bar" back in on
ONE SIDE ONLY the chassis will have a lot more flex in it, thus makinhg it a "looser" chassis or in other terms, a chassis with less bite. Realize this..... Depending on the track/ track conditions/driving ability/habits will make the "loose" chassis something that one
WANT'S in their box. There is only so far one can go with one chassis on any given race day, and the track's conditions that are offered. But then again, I have been there and done that

I did not like this gig, because it cut's into my body painting/car building/ B.S.'n with my friends

on the day of....
REMEMBER you can unsolder one side of the "Bite Bar" on a stock Asp "4" this will also make the chassis "loose." It all depends on how "loose" of a chassis that is required for your driving habits, and the track conditions that are given to you. The day of.....

Once you have your ride set up to the track conditions at hand, you can start throwing more
H.P. at the track

and tuning with the body