After a year of planning and countless hours of prep, the R4/2 is in the books. We've finally managed to get some sleep and the store is almost back to normal. If you all had half the fun Cindy and I did then you must have had a ball. too. Cindy had to have some dental work done early Monday morning and the first thing she said once the sedation wore off was "I've got some ideas for next years R4..." Wow, she's got it bad.
But then don't we all? Every time I am involved in a retro event, big or small, I am amazed at the racers themselves. If there ever was a finer group of people assembled in one place I never heard of it. Meeting people like Howie Ursaner (who can still drive the wheels off a car), other track owners like Mike Swiss, Mark Greene, and Roger Schmidt, the Georgia group (very well represented) and, of course... YO....YO... Jersey John, was very very cool. Just as cool was re-connecting with those we met at the last R4. I guess that's why "reunion" is part of the name Retro Revival and Reunion Race (R4).
As far as "revival" I think with 187 entries and almost 70 racers (official count not complete) we can consider retro pretty well revived! And racing... I don't think anyone has ever seen any better racing EVER before ANYWHERE!!! Incredibly close racing at all levels. Almost always a nail-biter to the very end. Kudos to Ron H for pulling off the sweep BUT it didn't come easy.
While there were many incredible performances during the weekend I have to mention one in particular (I am slightly biased

There are many special Thank Yous to be made.
Noose for handling tech all weekend. Great job, my friend!!
Bill Fulmer for being Noose's "right hand man" and taking so many great pictures. You've got a lifetime job there, Bill!!
Butch Dunaway for pitching in when Bill needed a break.
Greg Wells for working so hard to get results posted.
Chris Barnes for all but sacrificing his racing to video the race (don't forget to watch for "R4/2 - The Movie" coming soon). Pleasure meeting you.
Jim Bostrum and Co. for having a great sense of humor.
Matt Bruce for showing me his "secret" hand-out motor choosing method. Actually Matt, if you're lucky I will show you how we picked Jessica's

The "Racers Wives" group who helped out in the kitchen and managed to keep Cindy in stitches. I think they are already planning some sneaky practical jokes for next year

Ron Hershman and Rob Garland for sorting through the huge pile of race prizes and getting them organized.
Good friends Mike Denney and Jason Vicars whose help was invaluable over the weekend. BTW... they are both now hooked on retro.
Mike Denney's wife and daughter for supplying those killer brownies and my son Jason's wife for also helping in the kitchen.
And my son Jason... what a huge help he was taking over most of the race directing so I could help in other areas. He also drove a couple of great races but had his equipment let him down.
Last but definitely not least is my wife Cindy. She is a very special person and without her this would not be possible. I can not thank her enough.
Of course I want to thank everyone who attended. Sometime during the weekend someone congratulated me for a great venue and racing program. While I appreciated the thanks very much, the key ingredient to a great race is great racers and you all are that in spades. Both Cindy and I hope to see you all next year (if not sooner) and if you didn't come this year we hope you can next. We can never have enough friends. In fact, after only two events, we decided it isn't a race reunion anymore but a family reunion. YA'LL COME BACK!!
One last "Thank You". If you were at the race you saw these posters hung all around the store. For you that couldn't come here are the companies that supported the R4/2 and support retro racing all over. Special thanks to Jerry Kulich of JK and Mike McDowell of Parma who took the time out of their schedule to spend Saturday with us and see first hand what retro is all about.