I have Fly cars with Slot.It motors, guides, axles and gears....Slot.It cars with NSR 30 motors, F1 wheels and tires, even a Scaley with an NSR 30 motor....it's going to get a TSRF motor when I can find one....
I have mounted a Slot.It Porsche 956 body on one of my TSRF chassis but I want to fit wider rear tires....and there lies my problem.
I tried a set of Slot.It SIPA 20 wheels and tires but the spur gear hits the track surface. The spur gear seems to be a larger diameter than the Slot.It spur gear....I haven't measured them though....
My first question is, will a Slot.It sidewinder spur and pinion set fit the TSRF or is the motor/axle center distance different?
Alternatively, are there wider wheels and tires (rubber) available for the TSRF that are a similar OD to the originals?....I do have some concern that a smaller diameter tire such as the F1 style may result in the chassis hitting the track.