We all want to Thank Mike and Cindy McMasters for hosting a superb event.
Everything went flawless the entire day due to their outstanding preparedness.
Ron Hershman ran away with all of the first place hardware, I saw about 20 racers chasing him out the door with a pitch fork.

What a mottley crew!
First Race Formula One 24 racers
Formula 1PlaceDriverTotal Laps1Ron Hershman2732tom Lauterbach2663Neil Easterday2634Daren Toman2625Ken Green2586Tony Jackson2587Mike Krebbs2578Chris Radisish2569Paul Martin25610Josh Crutchfield25511Brian Cox25512Terry Watson25313Rick Maynard25314Cap Henry24815Garry Haworth24716Mike Patterson24717Larry Mattingly24418Gary Echelbarger24119Steve Radcliffe23620Vince Delvisco23421Jeff Little22522Rick Bennardo21923Earl Graybill21524Mark Miller205

2nd Tom Lauterbach 1st Ron Hershman 3rd Neil Easterday
Second Race Can Am 30 racers
Can-AMPlaceDriverTotal Laps1Ron Hershman2812Josh Crutchfield2773Mike McMasters2724Tom Lauterbach2705Daren Toman2686Terry Watson2687Chri Radisish2678Rick Maynard2669Neil Easterday26510Cap Henry26511Mike Krebs26312Ken Green26013John Walker25814Paul Martinj25615Vince Del Viscio25516Rick Bennardo25117Larry Mattingly24618Brian Cox24419Tony Jackson24220Don roberts24121Steve Radcliffe23922Earl Greybill23723Mike Patterson23224gary Echelbarger23125Steve Dieters22926David Krumnow22827Jeff Little21728Garry Haworth20329Eric Balicki18930Mark Miller173

2nd Josh Crutchfield 1st Ron Hershman 3rd Mike McMasters
Third Race JK Spec 16 racers
JK SpecplaceDriverlap totals1Ron Hershman1862Rick Maynard1803Cap Henry1784Neil Easrterday1755Tony Jackson1756Chris Radisish1747Terry watson1738Mike Krebs1699Eric Balicki16710Earl Graybill16311Vince Del Viscio16012Paul Martin15413Phil Donaldson15314Larry Watson9415Steve Radcliffe7416Bill Newland40
Sorry no picture of JK Spec Podium, Jerry Thanks for all of the great race prizes from JK.
Fourth race GT Coupe 13 racers
GT- CoupePlaceDriverLap Totals1Ron Hershman1782Chris Radisish1763Daren Toman1764Tony Jackson1765Terry Watson1716Garry Haworth1697Cap Henry1638Don Roberts1639Eric Balicki15010Earl Graybill14111Vince Del Viscio13312Bill Newland2113Larry Watson15

3rd Daren Toman 1st Ron Hershman 2nd Chris Radisish
We all want to thank Fast Ones/ Outisight Bodies for the Best looking and Most Realistic paint race prizes.