Our second race of the season is at Roadster Raceway (30 miles west of Columbus) on Oct. 10th. It will be a four race event starting with F1, Can Am, JK Spec and GT Coupe. !st, 2nd and 3rd place plaques will be awarded for F1, Can Am and GT Coupe. There will also be concours prizes (donated by Outisight) for all three classes. There will also a 1st place plaque and prizes for the JK Spec class donated by JK Products.
I-70 to route 54 exit (about 30 west of Columbus). Go South (a couple of miles) to Old Osborne Rd.(it sneaks up on you so watch real close), turn left, go 2 miles East to 12700. The house sits way back off the road and the barn with the track is just to the right of it.
Practice all day and evening on Friday. Will open at 8:00 AM on Saturday and we should start tech at 10:30 AM.
There will be no food or drinks available so bring your own. Malcolm will supply a food and drink recyle center (an outhouse).

If you plan on attending please let me know so Malcolm has an idea of what to expect for pit space.
1. Butch Dunaway
2. Neil Easterday
3. Paul Martin
4. Earl Graybill
5. Lee Watson
6. Cap Henry
7. David Krumnow
8. Bill "Billibob" Newland