Well, got back from the Toledo Toy Show today with a couple of interesting pieces. I know there was a discussion a year ago debating if Dyna-Rewind had ever sold rewound 36Ds. I thought yes because I have some that came in Jerry Mrlik's collection, but...
So that takes care of that! The can is painted a dark rose color, it has the distinctive Dyna-Rewind balancing style, and the arm looks like it has black epoxy up near the comm. I will be taking one apart soon (you can infer from that statement what you like...

The other interesting piece was this...
Uhhhh... It is the exact same motor! After talking with the guys, the only thing that makes sense is that when 26Ds, then 16Ds, were obviously going to rule the world, Dyna-Rewind must have dumped the 36D inventory to another Deroit company to let them clear them. I thought the only thing they sold was:
but... Also, look at the numbering. Does anyone know if Bilet sold any other motors?
For the record, when I thought that the 36Ds that Jerry Mrlik had were just done by Ted Lech as a favor for a fellow GM Tech Center worker, there was this possibility:
Even signed by Ted himself! I want to rip the bag open, put the arm in an empty Dyna-Rewind can I have, and run it so bad I can't hardly stand it!