Below is a description along with pictures showing how the sprint car was built up by Jairus using a Monogram 1/24 scale kit and of course the final painted car. We did make changes to the car. Instead of using velcro for the front and top wing we ended up using strong magnets because they held the wind much better and if the car ever came off the track the parts come off with no problem. Jairus also reinforced the front of the car by extending the brass rod frame. As you can see in the pictures the car comes apart pretty easy so you can have access to the chassis and motor.
I think if we ever do another sprint car we will go with a metal top wing and that would make it last a good beating on the track.
So here is the Malboro Sprint car from start to finish with Jairus to describe.
Chassis is built up from brass rod and a cut up steel womp chassis.... this is the first mockup.

Mounts for the wing attached.

Rear bumper.

Finished chassis, elapsed time: 8 hours to this point.

Final mockup.

Time to fuss with the driver and other details, Onward and upward!

Got the frame painted this morning.
Since the name of this build is "Sprintcar" went with a 9/33 gear ratio.

With wheels and motor carefully installed.

Time to turn attention to the body work and related details...

Final mockup before sending out to the painter.

The finished car