Thanks, as always, to Eddie Cordle for opening up at 8 AM to receive the SERRA circus, We again were blessed by the company of John Clow and Paul "Pablo" Wolcott, who continue to reset SERRA mileage records in driving from LA (lower Alabama) and Mississippi to race with us. It was also great to have Tommy Flythe and Bobby Robinson join us again, as well as Bill Bowers, Steve McBride, and Kenny Hendrix. There's not much doubt the wretched economy is keeping some racers away, but here's hoping that will improve in the coming months.
SERRA #19 was a difficult day, as we chased changing traction problems with the track all day long for reasons that were not at all obvious. We appreciate the patience shown by the SERRA racers as we attempted to deal with the problem.
Stock Car
Thirteen entries
A Main
L to R, Jay Guard, Tommy Flythe, James Merriman, Bill Bowers, Steve McBride, Ralph Thorne, Bobby Robinson
1) Bobby Robinson - 220 laps, best lap of 6.199 secs in white lane
2) Jay Guard - 212, 6.039 in black
3) Tommy Flythe - 195, 6.418 in blue
4) Bill Bowers - 183, 6.434 in yellow
5) James Merriman - 157, 6.148 in blue
6) Ralph Thorne - 97, 6.098 in red
7) Steve McBride - 95, 6.430 in yellow
B Main
L to R, John Clow, Kenny Hendrix, Pablo Wolcott, Greg Wells, Joe McIntosh, Eddie Cordle
1) Eddie Cordle - 210 laps, best lap of 6.320 in yellow lane
2) John Clow - 207, 24 section, 5.883 in blue
3) Kenny Hendrix - 207, 18 sections, 6.203 in green
4) Greg Wells - 204, 6,257 in black
5) Joe McIntosh - 200, 6.211 in blue
6) Paul "Pablo" Wolcott - 199, 6.430 in orange
Stock Car - Combined Results
1) Bobby Robinson - 220 laps
2) Jay Gaurd - 212
3) Eddie Cordle - 210
4) John Clow - 207, 24 sections
5) Kenny Hendrix p 207, 18 sections
6) Greg Wells - 204
7) Joe McIntosh - 200
8) Paul "Pablo" Wolcott - 199
9) Tommy Flythe - 195
10) Bill Bowers - 183
11) James Merriman - 157
12) Ralph Thorne - 97
13) Steve McBride - 95
L to R, Eddie Cordle, Bobby Robinson, Jay Guard (sorry for the fuzzy pic, guys)
Best Appearing: Joe McIntosh
Most Realistic: Greg Wells, with a Paul "Pablo" Wolcott renta-a-car
Twelve entries
1) Ralph Thorne - 5.192 secs
2) James Merriman - 5.310
3) Joe McIntosh - 5.340
4) Jay Guard - 5.350
5) John Clow - 5.416
6) Jordan Tillery - 5.460
7) Steve McBride - 5.463
8) Bobby Robinson - 5.472
9) Bill Bowers - 5.830
10) Kenny Hendrix - 5.841
11) Paul "Pablo" Wolcott - 6.016
12) Russell Cordle - 6.153
B Main
L to R, Pablo Wolcott, Russell Cordle, Bill Bowers, Steve McBride, Kenny Hendrix, Bobby Robison
1) Bobby Robinson - 330 laps, best lap of 5.601 in yellow lane
2) Paul "Pablo" Wolcott - 304, 5.770 in blue
3) Steve McBride - 300, 6 sections, 5.539 in yellow
4) Bill Bowers - 300, 0 sections, 5.223 in orange
5) Russell Cordle - 285, 6.038 in orange
6) Kenny Hendrix - 29, 5.930 in white
A Main
(Oops, I forgot to take the drivers and starting line pics... darn it!)
1) James Merriman - 326 laps, best lap of 5.430 in purple
2) Ralph Thorne - 320, 5.321 in purple
3) Joe McIntosh - 311, 5.488 in blue
4) John Clow - 310, 5.601 in yellow
5) Jay Guard - 308, 5.391 in orange
6) Jordan Tillery - 306, 5.492 in purple
L to R, Ralph Thorne, James Merriman, Joe McIntosh (wonder who goosed James? LOL!!!)
Best Appearing: Joe McIntosh
Most Realistic: Joe McIntosh (aka Noose of the South! LOL!!)
I'll be working on the points tallies later today...