Inspired by the late Peter Bryant's excellent book. "Can-Am Challenger" and an email conversation with this great guy I began to search the web for a model again. I found a 1/24 resin model with decals, etc., on an Japanese website and ordered one immediately.
When I received the parcel I was excited as the packing and presentation was great and there was even a bunch of photos of the real car.
Unfortunately the model itself was not very good and i was devastated. The front was not correct and the rear deck was far too high. Furthermore the model which I intended to use as a slot car body was extremely thick and far too heavy for this use.
The kit went into the cupboard and a couple of looks at it as months passed didn't help my mood :-(
The body was sent to UK to Howmet for evaluation, but was returned as being too poor for further usage.
Then one day I went berserk with my Dremel and armed with a lot of photos I attacked the body and worked on it for some hours. The thickness of the body shell helped me and I removed 3-4 mm of the rear deck and sides. The front was also corrected and the went holes for the later model was filled as I intended to build the early 1969 car. My plans was to make en early 1969 car for slot car use and a later model with rear wing as a curbside scale model.
Other projects has disturbed the progress, but now at last the car is finished :-)
I have put a lot of pictures on my Picasa website: Autocoast Ti22
Niels, DK