Since it seemed to work so well for the SANO, I thought I would copy what I previously wrote and put it here in the R4 files. Mike has advised me my Tech Nest is all set-up.
I thought I would pass on some somewhat humorous tips on how to get through tech the first time at the Sano. The busy schedule and format will need everyone's help to make things go smooth. Take no offense to these (unless you thought you were going to really try and get away with them) because they are just really helpful reminders.
Soooo, with that said, here is the Tech Meister's "Top 10 Reasons Why Guys Fail Tech".
1. Rear Clearance: It all the way from the rear of the car to the motor bracket. Go ahead and run that 29 tooth crown with minimum diameter rears... it doesn't usually work.
2. Body too thin: Yeah, it has to be .007" on the complete side especially between the wheel arches. The "Spirit Gauge" doesn't lie. Besides one good marshaling job and, trust me, the body is history.
3. Rear Spoiler: One piece. One bend and 1/2 inch from the rear edge of the body. Get all angular and Tech Meister Shears will be on hand to carve those suckers down if necessary. We aren't waiting for you to get in line again.
4. Front grill area: 1/8" on F1s and 1/16" on all others (except Ti22s).
5. Body Height: 1.375" means 1.375". Especially a concern to those running O/S and JK Ti22s and Chevron GTs. You guys raise a red flag for this measurement.
6. Front Track Width: The Cukras Slop is cool but make sure that when we push those fronts outward they still meet the required spec. And oh yeah, your stoppers are part of the width measurement so no Ben Hur Chariot Cutters.
7. Fully Cut-Out Interior Area: We didn't run planes in the '60s and the cockpits were all open. So no cutting them out so just a driver's head sticks out. While you're at it, use at least three different Sharpies on those interiors to at least make them look like a driver.
8. Windows: A tutorial was already given on Ti22 windows. They are clear. Just because JK didn't have the fancy window line doesn't mean it didn't have a window. Those bodies used in GTC that have rear windows must be painted or covered.
9. Guide Flag Showing Up Front: Yeah, so the body you decided to run doesn't cover the guide. Oh well... remount it then. Next time fit the chassis to the body. Those running Red Fox guides usually have a problem in this area.
10. Tape/Lead: Topside. Topside. Topside. Not underneath. It doesn't say underside. Those with fancy stickers proclaiming their companies, their greatness, or something else should remember they better not hang below plane of the main rails.
For those that really don't desire to have a good time, then these will get you home early:
1. Conduct unbecoming a grown adult playing with toy cars.
2. The attempted use of Speed rubber.
3. The attempted use of glue or your spit on the tires before you put your car on the track.
And some other info...
Questions have been posed that I will just answer as follows:
1. No, you will not pass tech by distracting the tech inspector with the Hooter's girl personally delivering a Blue Moon draft to the tech table.
2. Saying "Isn't it close enough" gets you nowhere.
3. Don't even think of asking for the calibration certificate on any tools used for tech. You will be asked to provide same when the car is teched with your McDonalds ruler.
4. I'm sorry your kids would not let you on the computer so you could read the 2010 rules or the updates.
5. No, you do not have to thank the tech inspector for passing you through tech. We will thank you for passing because you get it and you want to get to the Holiday Inn as quickly as possible.

My friendly reminder about tech for the R4
Started by
, Mar 08 2010 11:39 AM
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Posted 08 March 2010 - 11:39 AM
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.