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Stepping down

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#1 Pappy


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 07:05 AM

For those of you who don't already know, I have decided to step down as head of the Ohio Valley Retro Series. But the series is in good hands as Ron Hershman and Mike McMasters have graciously stepped up to take it over. I always knew I was doing the work of two men and this proves it. :laugh2: ;)

It's been a great three years watching it grow from around eight guys at our first race in Richmond, Indiana to basically the host series for the R4. There's no one thing responsible for my decision to step down, it's a combination of a lot of small things which add up to me not having as much fun as I'd like and not being as competitive as I'd like to be.

Hopefully under new management with new ideas the series will grow to be the largest in the country.

I'd like to thank all the guys and gals that supported our series over the past three years. I've met some great people and wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I'd also like to thank the raceways that allowed us to host events at their tracks, Tom Thumb, Fast Eddie's, T/R's and Malcolm Lovelace.

A special thanks goes out to Jerry Kulich at JK Products for all the great prizes and beautiful plaques he donated to our series for the JK Spec Class. And to Ron Hershman/Outisight Bodies for all the great bodies for our Concours this year.

See you all next year, hopefully more competitive and having fun.


Jim "Butch" Dunaway 
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#2 911GT3


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 07:17 AM


Thank you for all of your hard work in making the series fun and helping retro-racing grow. Hope to see you at the next OVR racing this fall.

Eric Balicki


#3 BackAgain


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 08:11 AM

That can't have been an easy decision in many ways Butch... Hard to let go of your baby, but nice to have more time to focus on your racing.

Mike and Ron have some pretty big boots to fill (I've know cuz I seen them...Posted Image ) but I am sure they will do an excellent job.

Congrats on building the series to what it is today...Posted Image
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#4 Gary Adams

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 09:26 AM

Thanks so much for all of your hard work, Butch, it is sincerely appreciated. Seeing your name associated with the OVRR here on Slotblog is what drew me back into slot racing after all these years, remembering all the fun times we had at Bud Eiche's White Oak Raceway.

Hopefully, the good news will be that we shall be rubbing elbows more at the driver's control panel this year, for it really is about the racing and the camaraderie.

Take care my friend, enjoy your summer, and I look forward to more races with you in the future. Thanks again!

Gary Adams
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#5 Steve Deiters

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 12:00 PM

Many thanks for your work behind and in front of the scenes work at getting what was then a new/old concept of slot racing up and running on an ongoing basis for the past three years in the Ohio Valley region. If it wasn't for the efforts of yourself and others many former racers like myself and new racers wouldn't be participating in the series. I just wish Jan Limpach was around to give you a TV as a sign of appreciation!

#6 The Number of

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 12:01 PM


Sorry to see you stepping down,but I know what kind of time and effort are needed to run a successful series. Thanks for all the time and effort you put in to the OVRR series and the success and prestige you brought to the series.

The only downside is Hershman bouncing you from tech in the future to get even!Posted Image

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#7 Noose


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 04:08 PM

Ya did good and now go let others handle it and get back to having some fun again. It is a lot of work and sometimes it does take away from your ability to do your best. Three years was good and I'm sure it will be fine.

Good luck and thanks for all the input on making the IRRA better.

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
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#8 Tom Thumb Hobbies

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Posted 18 April 2010 - 07:18 PM

"Big Shoes" is right. We all owe Pappy a huge "Thank you" for starting and so capably running the series for the last three years. It is indeed one of the premier retro series in the country thanks to his hard work. Ron and I have talked extensively about our vision for the series and what we need to do to continue its success. We both have ideas that we hope will help the series grow even better. Nothing is off the table. We value the racers input, please contact either me or Ron if you have any ideas for the coming season.

BTW Pappy, we all missed you at the drivers stand. Get to work now because the new season starts in September.

Mike McMasters


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#9 68Caddy


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 08:37 PM


I always like you, and the way you do comment on things, but I have to say that I always love your postings on the blog and you sure are a person that I respect. ;)

Glad that you are racing and posting and giving us your opinions.

- Gabriel
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#10 Paul Martin

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Posted 19 April 2010 - 01:14 AM


I would also like to add my thanks for not only running a great race series but also being a great friend and teacher. When I started Retro in June of 2008, you went out of your way to help me along and I can't tell you how much help you have been. We have been teammates on two six-hour enduros and had good fun both times.

I'm glad you will finally have more time to devote to this hobby you enjoy so much. I am most glad you will be behind a controller now instead of the microphone. Let's look forward to many more races!Posted Image

#11 Larry Mattingly

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Posted 22 April 2010 - 05:14 PM


Thanks for alot of good times in the OVR series... Even if you did bounce me out of tech a few times (all Rick's fault... ;) )

The upside is that you will get to race again, without the headaches. The downside... well, lets hope that the 'appearance' of Ohio cars doesn't slide downhill... :blink:

Once I'm back on my feet, I will be looking forward to making the majority of the new Ohio Series races.


#12 Horsepower


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Posted 22 April 2010 - 05:53 PM

Butch, I didn't even know you were doing this and now you're done! How come you never broke your own arm patting yourself on the back? :blink: :laugh2:
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