Posted 14 June 2010 - 05:50 PM
For sure this wasn't just a race it was a "ROMAN ORGY" of racing, friendship, pro helping non- pros ( Thanks Matt my F1 pit boss and Noose my Can_Am pit boss ) The glory of Victory and yes, the agony of defeat.
It was Rob and Lynn feeding hungry racers,holding and managing the races of the best race ever. It was local racers and friends Steve, Tom ( made a move up), Nick and Brandon running there first Retro race ever!!!!.
It was giving Steve Vogt a motor for his car with a brush hood missing with 10 to go , and we are still friends LOL
It was Craven wowing us with his grill, ( and keeping up Noose) and telling anyone who would listen how he bet Ursaner in the Jail Door,
It was "THE MOTOR HOME" the center of all social activity and temporary home of the NEW JERSEY RACING LEGEND "Jersey JOHN "
It was my hug from Lynn AND my hug from Rob. It was watching Noose and Howie battling, It was watching Matt and Howie sword fighting at there best.
It was my Brother Matt Bruce who looked at me and said " you don't want it". I responded "what"? He said "DO YOU WANT IT" I said "Yes" he finished with " THEN DRIVE LIKE YOU WANT IT!!!!"
It Was Bill Fulmer taking the photos, It was seeing old friends TEAM RGEO. It was NY George offering me his contoller when mine craped out during a race.
Congrats to all the attendees Especially Howie, Matt, Jay, Chris. Roger Ruggirio,great racing dude, now you have past to the DARK SIDE, don't please dont be like it.
Last but not least, Bruce Baughman ,Team Mate, Director of Team Bullet Global Operations, my partner in crime, and drink mixer . sorry you had a rough weekend but its always a pleasure being with you buddy. We are on one hell of a journey.
PS And a special thanks To Howie thanks for the wonderful conversation and singing driving north on the GSP. You are an Icon to the sport and an AWESOME DUDE...
Regards JJ
"Certified Newark Wise Guy since 1984" (retired)
"Certified Tony P Chassis God 2007.2023
Retro Chassis Designer-Builder