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Checkpoint Cup volunteers needed

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#1 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 02:33 PM

For the past two Checkpoint Cup events, we did not actively seek volunteers to help run the show, but I think it's time to ask our fellow D3 racers to help us out.
Since I will have my hands full running the webcast, taking photos and trying to race whenever possible, I surely can use some help. Paul as usual will be overloaded helping others and doing many tasks at the same time.

We're not asking anyone to spend all three days doing a lot of work, just help some here and there so all of us can better enjoy this great event.

In particular, we could use help with such tasks as:

First thing early (7 am) each morning, clean the track(s). Paul will then spray glue and "break-in" each track lane by lane to insure traction is consistent.

Keep track of starting times (tech open, tech close, start of qualifying, podium shots, etc., etc.).

Help assist tech inspector.

Make sure tech inspection runs smoothly (start on time, encourage entrants to get their cars in tech as soon as possible).

Insure that teched cars stay in the tech impound area before, during and after qualifying as well as keep track of any races with sitouts.

Help with the race prize raffle.

Help distributing race plaques and gather podium winners for a podium photo for each "A" Main.

I'm sure some other tasks will need attention during the Checkpoint, but if we have enough volunteers we can address them as they occur.

If you can volunteer your help, post here to let us know. Indicate what day(s) you would be available to help.

Thanks for your support,

KeithPosted Image

Team Rolling Hills circa '66-'68

#2 HarV Wallbanger III

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 02:52 PM

Hey Keith I will be there all 3 days and should have time to help.

Barney Poynor
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#3 gascarnut


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 03:38 PM

If I can attend (still not certain due to work issues), I will be happy to help with the tech inspections.

I do think however that we need to take a pragmatic approach to some things. For example:

1. I cannot see why the flat track in particular needs to be cleaned and sprayed ore than once for the weekend. Let's clean and prep it on Friday and then leave it alone for the rest of the weekend.
2. When we do spray the track, let's use more than one person to run the track in, it's not that much rocket science that one person has to do it all.
3. Let's establish the qualifying order for each class based on the reverse order of passing tech inspection. So if you're first through tech, you qualify last. That should help get people to present their cars earlier. It has to be the order in which the cars PASS tech, not the order in which they are presented though. And if there's no qualifying, then let's give first choice of lane to the first car to pass tech, etc.

And YES PLEASE, can we have someone who is going to enforce the schedule. The current performance in that respect is dismal.
Dennis Samson
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#4 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:05 PM

I recently acquired two clock displays (large card) which I intend to use at the tech inspection table to show the tech "open" and "close" times. We need someone to keep track of the times and encourage/threatenPosted Image those who are slow in getting their cars to tech.

Dennis' idea of qualifying order is determined by tech inspection order (first to pass tech is last to qualify) will help encourage everyone to get their cars to tech sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, some racers who are always late to tech, have qualified first and it didn't affect their qualifying timesPosted Image

We'll need someone to keep track of the tech inspection order and record it on the sheet for qualifying. Whoever enters the names for qualifying into the race computer will need this list to enter names in the correct order.

The sign-in sheet will not become the order of qualifying. Passing tech first will become the last qualifier, passing tech last will be the first qualifier.

KeithPosted Image

Team Rolling Hills circa '66-'68

#5 TSR


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:07 PM

I will do my best to help keep the schedule on time.

Philippe de Lespinay

#6 gascarnut


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:16 PM

We'll need someone to keep track of the tech inspection order and record it on the sheet for qualifying. Whoever enters the names for qualifying into the race computer will need this list to enter names in the correct order.

We already have the tech sheets that everyone fills in for each class. As the cars pass tech, the tech Inspector writes a number on each sheet to indicate the order in which they passed, and then we arrange the sheets in order for the person entering the qualifying order into the computer. If a car does not pass, then it goes to the back of whatever line there might be at the time and the tech sheet does not get a number until the car passes.

Simple, easy, no need for extra paperwork or lists.
Dennis Samson
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#7 Gary Donahoe

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:54 PM

Keith, I plan to be there Saturday and Sunday for the Checkpoint race. I'm happy to help keep the schedule moving along or in any other way that you see fit.

I like Dennis' idea on tech order.

#8 Mike K

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:52 PM

I will be happy to assist on any day that I am at BP.

I am not sure of my schedule at this time but I will let you as soon as I know.

So much DRAMA for such small cars....
Mike Kravitz

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#9 MG Brown

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 07:45 PM

I sincerely wish that I could make the trip to BP to assist you guys. Personal matters likely will prevent me from attending.

Good luck to all of the participants.
That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.


#10 Roger U

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 08:22 PM

I'm not sure of which days I will be available yet but I will help out whenever I can. I'm planning on being there late Friday and on Sunday, hopefully.

Dennis' idea on qualifying based on passing tech is a good one.

I agree with the previous statements that having a schedule and keeping things moving on time is important. The long hours it takes on the usual race days is a big reason I don't race as much as I used to.
Roger Uusitalo

#11 gascarnut


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Posted 29 November 2010 - 10:55 PM

I agree with the previous statements that having a schedule and keeping things moving on time is important. The long hours it takes on the usual race days is a big reason I don't race as much as I used to.

I have to agree with Roger, and I know there are others with the same issue.

The REAL reason we did not run a Retro Pro race Saturday was there was so much time wasted that people who would otherwise have raced the class gave up and went home.

This has been discussed ad nauseum before, do we have to do it all again, or are we just going to accept that there will be less income for the Raceway as more people get tired of this situation and stop racing altogether?

It's not rocket science, set a schedule and stick to it.

It does take a commitment from everyone, racers and officials, to exercise and enforce a bit of discipline.
Dennis Samson
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#12 Mopar Rob

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:30 PM

In Chicago we used to anounce a 5 minute warning for tech closing and set an egg timer. When the timer went off and if they weren't in line they were SOL. Made a couple of people storm off using profanity. Made everyone including those who stormed off, tech in on time at the next race.

Once in a while someone destroys a car in practice and is thrashing. Most of the time it's the same usual croud that will push the "tech closing" time.

Rob Hanson

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Rob was right!

#13 Charlie Nelson

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 10:50 PM

I will be an observer on fri and more than happy to help with whatever I can. Will try to be there 7: 00am. Saturday, all bets are off till I pass tech.
leaving sunday.

#14 parko061


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Posted 04 January 2011 - 08:41 PM


My trip got changed to next week so I will be around to help out on Saturday. I will try come down Sunday but I'm leaving on a 6am flight Monday. Please let me know whatever I can do to help you guys.


Robert Park
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#15 dougmatthes


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Posted 04 January 2011 - 09:08 PM


Cleaning the track Saturday morning eats into the practice time too much, I would suggest cleaning and breaking in the track Friday nite. Similiarly, the Kingleman cleaning should be Thursday evening; the Flattrack could be cleaned Friday morning for the afternoon races.
Doug Matthes

#16 Dave Larsen

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 09:50 PM

No Doug.....I'm very sorry..... It dosn't work that way at BP :acute:

In a any slot car race I've ever attendened the track is cleaned Thursday/Friday before the big gig :sun_bespectacled: so the out of towner's can set their rides up and know what to excpect come Saturday morning. But the DIRECTOR/PRESIDENT of D-3 chooses's to clean the track Saturday morning ( something I haver NEVER SEEN before until I started racing D-3 at BP) :shok: So however your ride was running the Friday night, it will be thrown out the door when that "COLEMAN COOKING GAS" :scratch_one-s_head: hit's the track come Saturday morning :shok: The excuse of the "wing car thing" is old in my eyes :thank_you2: If you clean the track Friday morning and start to lay some rubber back down on the track (NO WING CARS) that track will be ready to race on Saturday. However you tuned your car Friday night will be in the hunt come race day.

So by all means clean the track Saturday morning. Heck .... If you do clean the track Friday morning and the track starts to come in later that evening, I would have just wasted all that time for nothing :fool: Because when that COLEMAN hits the track Saturday.... Do you get the jest of all that there Doug :scratch_one-s_head:

Dave...." A EVIL BUCK$ RACER " :diablo:
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#17 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:22 PM


Cleaning the track Saturday morning eats into the practice time too much, I would suggest cleaning and breaking in the track Friday nite. Similiarly, the Kingleman cleaning should be Thursday evening; the Flattrack could be cleaned Friday morning for the afternoon races.

Doug, Paul said this past Sunday that the Kingleman and Flat tracks would be cleaned Thursday night. The King will be cleaned sometime Friday. The tracks will be spray glued first thing on Friday morning, except the King which will be done after we clean it on Friday. We'll need volunteers to help clean the King on Friday, the earlier the better on Friday. The more volunteers we have the better.
We certainly can use more help for these big races as it does take time to prepare everything for the races.

KeithPosted Image

Team Rolling Hills circa '66-'68

#18 TSR


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Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:49 PM

Count on me to help out.

Philippe de Lespinay

#19 68Caddy


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Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:52 PM

Great we will have a good turn Marchall! ;)

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

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BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

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I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#20 S.O. Watt

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 12:54 AM

I am planning on spending a lot of time at the track Bea Ess in .........both Sat and Sunday.....I know how to use a caliper and can help out somewhere. Plus I don't do too bad taking pix, or.........?

I dug out my old 1/32 FI from about 1987, and I don't think it fits your old rules..... :shok:

but it still is pretty kewl in my eyes.

Tom Hansen
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#21 Dave Larsen

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 09:31 PM

That's great to hear Keith :sun_bespectacled:

I'll be there at 7:30 A.M. Friday morning :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I'll clean that "KING" by myself if need be :bb: It won't be the fist time :sarcastic_hand: I've cleaned at track all by myself :wink3: It will take me one hour :heat: If you need any help through out the CHECKPONIT Keith, just let me know :wink3:

As always Keith,

Dave....."A EVIL BUCK$ RACER" :diablo:
Dave Larsen ..... AKA "The Vitter"  :diablo:..... Big or Small ..... I build them all   :sun_bespectacled:

#22 68Caddy


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Posted 05 January 2011 - 10:12 PM

Did your Warn Bar shrink a bit after that post? :laugh2: I can see ya putting Barbecue juice on the track and your ride is the only one that makes it through. :rolleyes:
Its all good but my warn is where it is all red! :laugh2:

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#23 S.O. Watt

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 11:50 AM

I'm probably in the wrong place (and the wrong time???), but I have one small question.....Where is a decent motel near the track?"


road trip has begun.

Tom Hansen
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#24 TSR


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Posted 06 January 2011 - 06:54 PM

Hi Tom,
Plenty along Lincoln ave: CLICK HERE. :)

Philippe de Lespinay

#25 Dave Larsen

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 08:44 PM

Hey S.O.WATT!!!

I've stayed at the places on Lincoln Ave. :bad: :bad: :bad: across from BP, one at time and NEVER AGAIN :acute: Although they are acioss the street. They are that bad.... Dirty, Smelly..... The last one in that skid row of Hotels/Motels that I stayed at.... I wished I had my firearm with me! I've found a MARRIOTT off the H.W. But.... It's aways from the track :dash2: The BEST place I've found closest to the track (5 minutes) is MOTEL 6 :victory: I've stayed there four times now and that's where I now rest my neck when I come down to BP to race. It's on Valley View & Orangethrope (714-522-1200) and you know watt Tom....They leave the light on! :don-t_mention:

Dave.... "A EVIL BUCK$ RACER" :diablo:
Dave Larsen ..... AKA "The Vitter"  :diablo:..... Big or Small ..... I build them all   :sun_bespectacled:

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