Since I will have my hands full running the webcast, taking photos and trying to race whenever possible, I surely can use some help. Paul as usual will be overloaded helping others and doing many tasks at the same time.
We're not asking anyone to spend all three days doing a lot of work, just help some here and there so all of us can better enjoy this great event.
In particular, we could use help with such tasks as:
First thing early (7 am) each morning, clean the track(s). Paul will then spray glue and "break-in" each track lane by lane to insure traction is consistent.
Keep track of starting times (tech open, tech close, start of qualifying, podium shots, etc., etc.).
Help assist tech inspector.
Make sure tech inspection runs smoothly (start on time, encourage entrants to get their cars in tech as soon as possible).
Insure that teched cars stay in the tech impound area before, during and after qualifying as well as keep track of any races with sitouts.
Help with the race prize raffle.
Help distributing race plaques and gather podium winners for a podium photo for each "A" Main.
I'm sure some other tasks will need attention during the Checkpoint, but if we have enough volunteers we can address them as they occur.
If you can volunteer your help, post here to let us know. Indicate what day(s) you would be available to help.
Thanks for your support,