I copied/pasted the race announcement below directly from the race announcement on the Texas Slot Racing website.
I've waited a long time to type out those words! Kyle and I have had a number of discussions about getting retro racing going again and now the time is at hand to make the first race announcement.
Be there! BE THERE! Saturday! SATURDAY! January 22nd at Ranger Raceway! Ranger Raceway will host a retro Can-Am race using SoCal D3 rules! Kyle will open the back door of his place at 1pm that day. Tech will open at 7pm and close at 7:30pm. The race will commence as soon we can then get the race setup in the computer.
For those that have previously raced retro Can-Am, the SoCal D3 rules are very similar to IRRA retro Can-Am rules with a few notable exceptions. In D3 retro Can-Am, the ONLY legal motor to use is the TSR D3 motor, part # TD301. These motors are very similar to the Falcon 7 motor. I know of 2 differences between the TSR motor and the Falcon 7: (1) the TSR motor has slightly less timing than the F7, and (2) the TSR motor rotates in the opposite direction than the F7, so you'll need to put your crown gear on the other side. Another difference in the rules is that "long" bodies, in particular long Ti-22 bodies, are not allowed. There's a few other long bodies that are IRRA legal but not D3 legal. I'll post the illegal body part #'s later so you don't accidentally get one. Short Ti-22's are fine. There's also no minimum weight rule in SoCal D3 retro Can-Am whereas the IRRA specifies a minimum 100-gram weight limit. There are other subtle differences between D3 and IRRA but nothing real significant. I suggest you all read up on the SoCal D3 Retro Can-Am rules here: http://www.tsrfcars....tro-can-am.html I'm sure there will be questions, so feel free to ask away. Oh yeah, I just remembered that I "think" the D3 approved retro Can-Am body list is incomplete. I'm pretty sure I've seen forum posts where D3 afficianados have declared certain bodies to be legal but I didn't see them on the list. I'll post more about that when I can dig up the specifics.
Those that have raced retro Can-Am in the past know that it is basically a "scratchbuilding" class; no flexi chassis' are allowed. For those whose scratchbuilding skills may not yet be on par with Mike Steube, Tony P or Eddie Mac, there are a couple of chassis kits available that are legal and relatively easy to solder together. JK offers a D3 legal chassis kit in a couple of flavors, depending on main rail size desired: JKD301 and JKD302. JK offers other scratchbuilding parts such as motor brackets and such; check the JK website for details. Another legal chassis kit that I "think" is available is the Warmack chassis kit, made by Bryan Warmack. While I haven't driven a Warmack chassis, I HAVE driven a JK chassis and they handle GREAT "right out of the box". By all accounts, the Warmack chassis handles great too, havng won many a retro Can-Am race including the retro Can-Am race on the King track at the Sano IV race in Chicago back in late October. I had the privilege of pitting for the winner of that race, Howie Ursaner... that's about as close as I'LL ever get to winning such a race! LOL! Above and beyond that, Eddie Mac over at Dallas Slot Cars made many fine handling retro Can-Am chassis' in the past; maybe he can be coaxed into building one for you(?); contact him directly about such... I make no promises. I know that other builders of retro Can-Am chassis' can be contacted on Slotblog! here: http://slotblog.net/...p?showforum=132
What else? I'm sure I've left something out... I always do. I guess I'm just too excited about all this and making the first race announcement to boot! It's a fun class and not expensive; a competitive car should cost around $80 or so.
Oh yeah, bear in mind that Ranger Raceway is NOT a commercial slot racing establishment. Ranger Raceway is in the back of the building that houses Kyle's sheetmetal business, Ranger Sheetmetal. As such, don't expect Kyle to have parts for sale. You should think ahead and bring what parts you need to the track. If you forget something, then MAYBE a fellow racer can help you out. And Dallas Slot Cars is just 15 minutes or so down the road; if it's not too late, you may be able to run over there for some last minute parts. Also, since Ranger Raceway isn't a commercial venture, it is only open when Kyle feels like making it available to us; after all, he DOES run his business out of that building. Whenever he announces that he will have his track open for practice, you REALLY should take advantage of those occasions to get practice time in on his new 130' Ogilvie "almost flat" track. It's not terribly complicated but, like all new tracks to us, it takes a little while to learn it. It is one SWEET track!
I guess that's about it for now. As I said before, I've probably forgotten some things. We'll post more info as it becomes available. I want to thank Kyle Stokes and Mike Barnett for doing all they've done to get the new track built and making Ranger Raceway the venue for the revival of retro racing in Texas! YEEHAA!!!

Texas Retro racing returns at Ranger Raceway!
Started by
, Dec 15 2010 11:41 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 15 December 2010 - 11:41 PM
Richard L. Hofer
Remember, two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do! Only you're a block over and a block behind.
Remember, two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do! Only you're a block over and a block behind.
Posted 19 December 2010 - 09:18 AM
This is terrific news! I am assembling bits of steel and brass as we speak.

Fred Correnti
Posted 19 December 2010 - 02:43 PM
TSR will help sponsor the series by offering prize vouchers to the series winners.
Philippe de Lespinay