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Checkpoint Cup - Friday

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#1 idare2bdul


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Posted 30 December 2010 - 12:24 PM

Checkpoint Cup, Friday, January 7, 2011

Track opens at 7 AM.

NASCAR tech opens at 8:30 AM, closes at 9:00 AM. NASCAR and Coupe races on the Kingleman track. Coupe tech opens 1 hour after NASCAR race and closes 30 min. later.

After the Coupe race, RetroPro, then Jail Door on the Flat track.

RetroPro tech opens 1 hour after the Coupe race ends and closes 30 min. later.

Jail Door tech opens 1 hour after the RetroPro race ends and closes 30 min. later.

OK, folks, for those of you that might have missed the change, this is the official schedule. If we cooperate and move the races through on time we might get out at a reasonable hour.
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Mike Boemker

#2 Keith Tanaka

Keith Tanaka

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 01:14 PM

Thanks for posting the notice Mike.

I revised the Checkpoint race schedule posted on the SoCalD3.com website quite awhile ago, but forgot to revise the Slotblog Calendar. Both websites now have the same race schedule for the Checkpoint Cup.

As Mike mentioned, we will need to keep to our tight schedule (especially on Friday) to finish at a reasonable hour on Friday. Saturday will be more relaxed as we only have the Can Am race, raffle prize drawing and after race dinner get together. Sunday will also be a long day with the F1, then Retro32 races (separate inline and anglewinder races).

KeithPosted Image

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