I'd rather build something and relax, rather than sit and think about unhappy subjects, or watch the one-eyed intelligence eliminator . . . :roll:
My buddy, Mr. Bell, called me again last night (Monday) , and explained that one of his buddies up in Nor-Cal needed an F1/Indy chassis to compete in the Nor-Cal open wheel series . . . so I put my thinking cap on (the one that actually works . . . I've got quite a few that only try to hide my bald head! :roll: ) and decided that the F1/Indy chassis I'd seen the Froggenheimer running were pretty sano, so why not "borrow" (read - steal! :mrgreen: ) a few design ideas, and whip-up something like . . . THIS! :shock:

Simple straightforward two-rail design, the inner rail of .063" brass rod attached to the motor bracket face, and the outer rail of .063" piano wire, wrapped around the motor bracket . . . U-shaped .063" piano wire for the rear strut brace . . . fairly long piece of 3/4" wide x .063" thick K&S brass plate for the nosepiece, and a piece of 3/8" wide x .063" thick, 1" long K&S brass shaped into a guide pivot plate . . . note the nose piece is soldered only about 5/8" back from the guide flag pivot plate . . . allows more "flex" in the rails . . . Standard 4" wheelbase, with ALMOST a 1" guide lead (closer to .950", I think! :think: ) . . . Yep, square 1/8" tubing up front, for the front axle . . . allows a little "wiggle" in the axle as the car sweeps through the corners under throttle!

The side "pans" for the "shaker" body mounts are two .063" brass rods, soldered together on the ends only . . . .055" U-braces are held captive in 3/32" square K&S tubing and soldered to the main chassis rails . . . speading everything apart a little withan old rusty X-Acto knife, I "adjusted" the amount of side play and "rattle" for the "shaker" body mounts . . . pin tubes soldered on top of the U-braces, up above the body trim line . . . I adjusted the front clearence for .030", and the rear for .063" . . . I think it'll do him a good job, but not be "too heavy" to use the speed of the Slick 7 motors they run in the series . . .
Now, I have a Can-Am chassis to build for yet ANOTHER Nor-Cal guy! . . . :roll: . . . Man, I'm sure busy, huh?