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Pearson again at Gaithersburg

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#1 Bill Gerhart

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Posted 17 January 2011 - 01:07 AM

Ron Pearson loves the THE TRACK at Gaithersburg. He seems to be very comfortable on one of the fastest Kings in the country. Could he win his third in a row ?

After GTC Amateur practice, lane selection was completed. Seven drivers signed in for the event. At the start it was Gary Culy on green lane leading the way, Ron Pearson and Robert Rodgers followed 1 lap behind. Newcomer Brian Koberlein lost a motor in heat 1 and was done for the event. By heat 2, Mr. Gaithersburg, Ron Pearson had moved in with his SkunkWorks chassis and taken over the top spot. Ron was flying leading the way as current M-D Amateur Retro Point leader, Robert Rodgers, lost a motor to conclude heat number 2. Robert was done for the event and had to settle for a sixth place finish. By Heat number 7, Ron had stretched his lead to a 6 lap lead over Tom Adams and Gary Culy who were waging a battle for second. At the finish it was Ron Pearson, followed by Tom Adams in second with Gary Culy on the podium in third. Tony Moore had a nice run to finish fourth with Tom Smith in fifth. Robert Rodgers and Brian Koberlein rounded out the field. Rons car was a SkunkWorks chassis powered by a Falcon geared 8-28. It was equipped with JK Wonder rears. Congrats to Ron with his third win in a row at Gaithersburg. Also, Congrats to Tom Adams and Gary Culy on their podium finish.


1. Ron Pearson.............................311 laps...............SKUNKWORKS...................best time 4.3398
2. Tom Adams...............................303 laps................ ADAMS...............................best time 4.5470
3. Gary Culy...................................299 laps................SKUNKWORKS..................best time 4.4489
4. Tony Moore................................262 laps.................SKUNKWORKS.................best time 4.6606
5. Tom Smith.................................237 laps.................WARMACK.........................best time 4.8587
6. Robert Rodgers..........................65 laps....................RODGERS.........................best time 4.2775 (NEW RACE RECORD)
7. Brian Koberlein...........................14 laps....................RODGERS.........................best time 4.7787

Current M-D Amateur Retro points top 5 after Gaithersburg:

1. Robert Rodgers.....................515
2. Ron Pearson.........................465
3. Gary Culy.............................465
4. Tom Adams..........................320
5. Tom Smith............................220

Next event, Saturday Feb. 19, 2011 at DT Hobbies in Hanover, PA.

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Bill Gerhart
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Bobby Gerhart Racing

#2 Bill Gerhart

Bill Gerhart

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Posted 17 January 2011 - 01:33 AM

During the M-D Retro event at Gaithersburg on Saturday, the R/C OFF ROAD guys were practicing for their big event at the TRACK on Sunday. Check out the photos, it was pretty cool to watch them. I think some of the R/C guys thought the same about the M-D Retro cars on the super fast King.

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Bill Gerhart
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Bobby Gerhart Racing

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