Thanks to Jim and Debby Watterson for their support of D3 racing at Buena Park Raceway.
Thanks to our race directors: Paul Sterrett and Hector Gonzalez.
Here's the complete race/chassis photo report link:
Race/chassis photo report
F1 racers, L-R, Duran Trujillo, Gary Donahoe, Dennis Samson, Bryan Warmack, Marc Franco, Nesta Szabo, Oscar Morales, John Cukras, Hector Gonzalez, Keith Tanaka

F1 podium, L-R, Dennis Samson 2nd, Duran Trujillo 1st, Bryan Warmack 3rd

Duran Trujillo's winning F1 car

Can Am TQ: Duran Trujillo, 4.534 sec.
Can-Am B Main racers, L-R, Hector Gonzalez, Oscar Morales, Gary Donahoe, Nesta Szabo, John Cukras, Marc Franco, Keith Tanaka, John Wakamatsu

Can-Am B Main podium, L-R, Gary Donahoe 2nd, Keith Tanaka 1st, John Cukras 3rd

Can-Am A Main racers, L-R, Paul Sterrett, Tore Anderson, Duran Trujillo, Phil Nyland, Bryan Warmack, Keith Tanaka, Dennis Samson, Mill Conroy

Can-Am A Main podium, L-R, Bryan Warmack 2nd, Duran Trujillo 1st, Dennis Samson 3rd

Duran Trujillo's winning Can-Am car

Join us this Saturday, March 19, for the Second Chris Gallegos Memorial Race at BPR. Track opens at 8 AM. G7 Wing race on the King; Eurosport, GT12, 1/32 Euro races on the Flat track; D3 races on the Kingleman and drag racing on the BPIR drag strip.
The next monthly D3 race will be Sunday, March 20, NASCAR and Coupe on the Flat track. Track opens at 11 AM, NASCAR tech at 12:30 PM.