After practice, ten drivers signed in for qualifying. Check out the beautiful Mike Waite Can-Am #77 in Va. Tech colors!

It was Dale Granger taking T/Q with a new track record of 4.9914 seconds for the M-D Retro Can Am cars.
M-D Retro Can-Am Qualifying results :
1. Dale Granger.........................4.991 (NEW TRACK RECORD)
2. Randy Kohr............................5.01
3. Bill Gerhart.............................5.04
4. Kenny Humphreys..................5.14
5. Jake Coffey............................5.20
6. Bob Young.............................5.28
7. John McCrary.........................5.30
8. Grumpy Van Guntten..............5.37
9. Mike Waite.............................5.44
10. Nick Callahan........................5.59
We decided to split the field into two mains, the top 5 went to the A and 6 through 10 went to the B. We would move the winner of the B into the A main.
At the start of the B main, it was Bob Young and John McCrary out front early. By heat 3, Grumpy Van Guntten had moved into the top spot and was pulling away. At the finish it was Grumpy winning the B main with Bob Young in second. John McCrary. Mike Waite and Nick Callahan rounded out the field. Grumpy advanced to the A main.
Randy Kohr jumped out in front in the A main with Bill and Dale closely behind. By heat 2, Dale had taken over the lead as Bill and Randy were 1 lap back. By heat 6, the top three were on the same lap. Kenny Humphreys and Jake Coffey had now fallen out with car trouble. At the finish, it was Dale Granger winning the first Retro event in Virginia, followed by Bill Gerhart and Randy Kohr. Grumpy finished fourth followed by Jake Coffey and Kenny Humphreys. Congrats to Dale on winning with his new SkunkWorks 2011 chassis. He was geared 8-30 and equipped with Alpha Pirannah tires. This non-points race concludes the 2010-11 M-D Retro season.

M-D Retro Can-Am event at Valley Slots in Waynesboro, VA.
1. Dale Granger............................268 laps
2. Bill Gerhart................................266 laps
3. Randy Kohr...............................266 laps
4. Grumpy Van Guntenn................257 laps
5. Jake Coffey................................196 laps
6. Kenny Humphreys.....................147 laps
7. Bob Young
8. John McCrary
9. Mike Waite
10. Nick Callahan
Fastest Lap of the race : Bill Gerhart 4.999 secs.
Special thanks to John Meister at Valley Slots for hosting the event.
M-D Retro will be taking the summer off with no races scheduled. Please look for our 2011-12 schedule to be posted here at Slotblog.