The F1 race was exciting with a lot of early crashes and a first time winner. The Can-Am race winner was no surprise, but the battle for second was very close between four racers.
The Jail Door race was close and a lot of fun.
Thanks to Jim and Debby Watterson for their support of D3 racing at Buena Park Raceway.
Thanks to our race directors: Paul Sterrett and Barney Poynor
Thanks to our volunteer marshalls, especially Jay Henry.
Here's the complete race/photo report:
F1 race

F1 racers, L-R, Gary Donahoe, Philippe de Lespinay, MIke Aguirre, Mill Conroy, Bryan Warmack, Mike Kravitz, Jim Gonsalves, Marc Franco, Keith Tanaka.

F1 podium, L-R, Bryan Warmack 2nd, Gary Donahoe 1st, Mike Aguirre 3rd.

Gary Donahoe's winning F1 car (chassis by Dennis Samson).

Can-Am race

Can-Am racers, L-R, Marc Franco, Duran Trujillo, Gary Donahoe, Philippe de Lespinay, Mike Aguirre, Mill Conroy, Bryan Warmack, Phil Nyland, Paul Sterrett, Keith Tanaka (photog).

Can-Am podium, L-R, Mill Conroy 2nd, Duran Trujillo 3rd, Philippe de Lespinay 3rd.

Duran Trujillo's winning Can-Am car. Duran built his car using a Hanada kit (Tokyo D3 racer).

Jail Door race

Jail Door racers, L-R, Paul Sterrett, Gary Donahoe, Philippe de Lespinay, Mike Aguirre, Bryan Warmack, Jeff Easterly.

Jail Door podium, L-R, Bryan Warmack 2nd, Paul Sterrett 1st, Gary Donahoe 3rd.

Paul Sterrett's winning Jail Door car. Paul built five of the six entries for today's JD race.

The next D3 F1/Can-Am/Jail Door races will be on Saturday, Nov. 12, King track. Track opens at 8 AM. F1 tech opens at 9:30 AM, closes at 10 AM sharp.
The next D3 Hardbody races will be Sunday, October 16. Track opens at 11 AM. First race 1:30 PM. This will be a good opportunity to prepare for the upcoming D3 Hardbody Nats at BPR on Sat-Sun. Oct. 29-30.