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D3 Hardbody Nats race results

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#1 Keith Tanaka

Keith Tanaka

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Posted 31 October 2011 - 02:30 PM

Wow, what a weekend of hardbody racing at Buena Park Raceway!

It was the first D3 Hardbody Nats and everyone had a lot of fun racing cars utilizing model kit car bodies with scratchbuilt chassis.

The racing was exciting as a number of "fun" duels occurred many times over the two days.

Saturday's races started with the Stock 36D inline NASCARs on the flat track. A lunch break (delicious BBQ tri-tip provided by Roger Vorba; thanks, Roger) preceded the start of the '80s NASCAR races on the Flat track. The '80s NASCARs race had two mains and attracted a lot of spectators as well as interest in this new class. The final race on Saturday was the Talladega Nights race on the King track which was again a hoot. These hot 36D rewinds scream down the King straightaway while they tip toe through the turns. It was a crashfest (as usual) with a lot of laughs. The Wing racers vs the D3 hardbody racers is always a good, fun race with a lot of crashes and destruction.

Sunday's races started with the Trans-Am cars followed by the 3 C's (Corvettes, Cobras, Cheetahs, etc.) and ending with the Jalopys, all on the Flat track.
The 3 C's race generated a lot of close racing and belly laughs as a "duel" between a "white whale" and some sharks/dolphins/guppies produced perhaps the highlight of the day. The white whale, sharks/dolphins/guppies will be explained in the race report. The Jalopy race concluded the Nats with some very close racing again.

All in all, it was quite a memorable weekend. Not bad for our first Hardbody Nats. We've already reserved next year's date (Sept. 29-30) for our second Hardbody Nats at BPR.

Unfortunately, I was too busy to do a webcast and I didn't even have time on race day to report the race results as they happened. Sorry about that.

Thanks to Jim and Debby Watterson for their support of hardbody racing at Buena Park Raceway.

Thanks to all of our volunteers who helped make this event very enjoyable.

Thanks to our race directors: Victor Dubrowsky, Keith Tanaka, Jim Watterson, Roger Uusitalo, Mill Conroy, and Hector Gonzalez.

Thanks to our race prize donors: Eagle Distributing (six model kits)*.


Pro-Track (four 1/32 bodies, four sets of tires)*.


Thanks to our race sponsors (race plaques and box plaques): Jeff Bell, Gary Lum, Mike Aguirre, Philippe de Lespinay, Bryan Warmack, and Marc Franco.
Race plaques and box plaques produced by Keith Tanaka. Each race participant received a box plaque. Also Testor's glue was provided to each racer (donated by BPR).


Here's the complete race/chassis photo report: D3 Hardbody Nats race report

If you have a slow internet connection, try this site instead: Facebook photo album

Mike Steube stopped by to check out some of the hardbody cars.


Stock 36D inline NASCAR tech inspection.


Foamy (Dennis Hill) judges Concours for the stock 36D NASCAR race. Keith Dancey, Marc Franco, Mike Aguirre (partially obscured by Capt'n Zombie), Jeff Bell look on. Foamy is looking at the eventual Concours winner, Paul Sterrett's "Smokey Yunick's" #13 NASCAR.


Stock 36D NASCAR racers, L-R, Mike Aguirre, Russell Van Wyck, Adam Kirchhoffer, Henry Trujillo, Ken Dylke, Paul Sterrett, Jim Lange, Hector Gonzalez, Jeff Bell, Keith Tanaka, and Marc Franco


Victor Dubrowsky race directs the Stock 36D NASCAR race. Thanks, Victor.

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Jeff Bell (Stock 36D NASCAR race sponsor, Mission Hill Insurance) presents the winners plaque to Paul Sterrett for the stock 36D NASCAR race. Paul also won Concours.


Stock 36D NASCAR podium, L-R, Keith Tanaka 2nd, Paul Sterrett 1st, Marc Franco 3rd.


The "Lions Dragstrip" reunion drag racers and the D3 racers along with all in attendance at BPR, take a moment of silence in memory of Lenore Gallegos who passed away a week ago. RIP, Lenore. Chris and Lenore Gallegos will always be remembered for running a great racer's slotcar raceway, Buena Park Raceway.


Prior to the start of the '80s NASCAR stock race, the drag racers had a BBQ lunch. We were fortunate to be included in their tri-tip BBQ lunch prepared by Roger Vorba with Gary Lum providing assistance. Thanks for the tasty tri-tip, Roger!

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'80s NASCAR Concours winner, Keith Tanaka ('84 Richard Petty Pontiac).


'80s NASCAR B Main cars.


'80's NASCAR B Main racers, L-R, Bill Marquette, Nick Bell, Ken Dylke, Mel Moon, Jeff Easterly, Victor Dubrowsky, John Hartman, and Jeff Bell.


'80s NASCAR B Main podium, Jeff Easterly 2nd, Ken Dylke 1st, Jeff Bell 3rd.


'80s NASCAR A Main cars.


'80s NASCAR A Main racers, L-R, Hector Gonzalez, Greg Carter, Duran Trujillo, Jim Watterson, Paul Sterrett, Ken Dylke, Keith Tanaka, and Russell Van Wyck.


Gary Lum ('80s NASCAR race sponsor) presents the winner's plaque to Duran Trujillo.


'80s NASCAR A Main podium, L-R, Paul Sterrett 2nd, Duran Trujillo 1st, Keith Tanaka 3rd.


Mike Aguirre (Talladega Nights race sponsor) presents the Concours plaque to Jim Lange.

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Talladega Nights cars.


Talladega Nights racers, L-R, Jeff Bell, Bill Marquette, Jim Lange, Mike Aguirre, Marc Franco, Keith Tanaka, Adam Kirchhoffer, Paul Sterrett, and John Hartman.


Mike Aguirre (Talladega Nights race sponsor) presents the race winners plaque to Paul Sterrett.


Talladega Nights podium, L-R, Keith Tanaka 2nd, Paul Sterrett 1st, Jim Lange 3rd.


Sunday's races started with Trans-Am, followed by the 3 C's (Corvette, Cobra, Cheetah) and finishing up with Jalopy.

Bryan Warmack (standing in for PdL, Trans-Am race sponsor) presents the Concours plaque to Keith Tanaka ('70 AAR Dan Gurney Cuda).


Roger Uusitalo is the race director for the Trans-Am race. Thanks, Roger.


Trans-Am cars.


Trans-Am racers, L-R, Mill Conroy, Keith Tanaka, Paul Sterrett, John Hartman, Hector Gonzalez, Jim Lange, Ken Dylke, Bryan Warmack, and Marc Franco.


Bryan Warmack presents the winner's plaque for the Trans-Am race to Paul Sterrett.


Trans-Am podium, L-R, Bryan Warmack 2nd, Paul Sterrett 1st, Marc Franco 3rd.


Paul Sterrett's Cobra Daytona (left) and Bruce Frye's '63 Corvette are contending for the 3 C's (Corvette, Cobra, Cheetah, etc.) Concours honors.

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Bryan Warmack presents the 3 C's Concours plaque to Bruce Frye's '63 Corvette.


3 C's (Corvette, Cobra, Cheetah, T-Birds, etc.) cars.


3 C's racers, L-R, Roger Uusitalo, Hector Gonzalez, Paul Sterrett, Tim Hould, Jim Lange, Bryan Warmack, Ken Dylke, Keith Tanaka, Marc Franco, Bruce Frye, and John Hartman.


Jim Lange's white '63 Thunderbird Sports Roadster was affectionately called the "white whale" during today's race. The White Whale and several smaller fish battled all race long. The smaller sharks, dolphins, and guppies tried to pass the white whale, but stayed just behind in the turns to avoid being swept away by the long tail. It was a lot of fun and laughter watching the ongoing battle over many heats.

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Paul Sterrett presents the winner's plaque for the 3 C's race to Bryan Warmack. Bryan also was the 3 C's race sponsor. First time a race sponsor wins his own race!


3 C's podium, L-R, Tim Hould 2nd, Bryan Warmack 1st, Paul Sterrett 3rd.


The final race of the D3 Hardbody Nats is the Jalopy race.

Marc Franco (Jalopy race sponsor) presents the Concours plaque to Bruce Frye.

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Jalopy cars.


Jalopy racers, L-R, Bruce Frye, Mill Conroy, Jim Watterson, Bryan Warmack, Marc Franco, Ken Dylke, Keith Tanaka, Tyler Watterson, and Paul Sterrett.


Marc Franco presents the Jalopy winner's plaque to Bryan Warmack.


Jalopy podium, L-R, Paul Sterrett 2nd, Bryan Warmack 1st, Jim Watterson 3rd.


The next monthly D3 hardbody races will be on Sunday, November 20. Track opens at 11 AM, first race 1:30 PM.

Keith Posted Image

*PS: Race prizes: A random drawing will be conducted this week to include all of the race participants. Winners will be announced soon and notified.

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#2 idare2bdul


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 03:50 PM

The road race crowd had a good time with the hardbodies as usual!

On the dragstrip side, over 320 cars contested the Lions Reunion race.
The light at the end of the tunnel is almost always a train.
Mike Boemker

#3 TSR


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 04:54 PM


Thanks for your thankless usual great job! :)

Philippe de Lespinay

#4 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 31 October 2011 - 10:56 PM

The D3 Hardbody Nats race/chassis photo report has been posted on the Phanfare website: D3 Hardbody Nats race report

If you have a slow internet connection, try this website instead: race report

Keith Posted Image

Team Rolling Hills circa '66-'68

#5 Gus Kelley

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Posted 31 October 2011 - 11:52 PM

Hey! You guys had a great time. I'm very happy to see such a large turn-out of racers.

Gus in Sacto
Gus Kelley
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#6 Bryan Warmack

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Posted 03 November 2011 - 11:23 PM

Lot's of FUN with the Hardbodies last weekend! Congrats to the winners and great runs by Marc Franco, Jim Lange and Tim Hould. Jim Lange's Thunderbird in the 3C's was worth the price of admission! "The Great White" or "the White Whale' was long as a bridge and fishtailed wildly but hardly ever came out! Some of the close racing was hilarious as these things can run side by side with no trouble. Hector's "little" thunderbird was having a lot of fun also!!:laugh2:
Newcomer Bruce Frye had some awesome looking cars and chassis'. Thanks Ken Dylke for the shirt and Paul Sterrett for the Trans Am body. Thanks also to Keith for the plaques and all the usual help and the race report and pics!!
Thanks to all the race sponsors and anyone else who helped out. Thanks Jim and Debbie and everyone at BPR!!

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