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The Ninth Tokyo D3 Race

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#1 usadar


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Posted 20 November 2011 - 09:21 PM

On November 20, we had our 9th Tokyo D3 Race.

This is a brief report of the Can-Am and F-1 races:
9thCan-Am Q.jpg
9thCan-Am B.jpg
9thCan-Am A.jpg
This is our first experience to use wonder rubber tires.
The Can-Am top 3 qualifiers broke the track record.
This time we used Alpha 523 WRM's.
Tebu survived B-main and won A-main with the track record of total laps.

7thF-1 Q.jpg
7thF-1 B.jpg
7thF-1 A.jpg
Most of us used natural rubbers for F-1 this time.
Tebu & I had car troubles, while Ryu survived the very close race.

Alll of us had a great fun.

More photos and report is coming soon.

Stay tuned,

Haruki Kan
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#2 j-slot


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Posted 21 November 2011 - 05:44 AM

Hello race fans,

Here are some photos of the 9th Tokyo D3 race.

Can-Am A-main cars lineup.

Can-Am A-main drivers. L-R: Tebu, Hanada, Ryu Nakamura, Hashimoto, Kamo, Haruki, Yoshi Hirose and Ohtomo.

Can-Am A-main podium. L-R: Haruki/2nd, Tebu/1st, Hashimoto/3rd and Kamo/TQ.

Tebu's winning car.

F1 B-main cars lineup.

F1 B-main drivers. L-R: Yoshi Akiyama, Yoshi Hirose, Ohtomo, Sekiguchi, Hashimoto, Omi, Hanada and newcomer Hideaki "Soli" Suzuki.

F1 A-main cars lineup.

F1 A-main drivers. L-R: Ryu, Hashimoto, Yoshi H, Kamo, Tebu, Haruki, Hanada and Akitani.


F1 A-main podium. L-R: Kamo/2nd, Ryu Nakamura/1st, Yoshi Hirose/3rd and Tebu/TQ.

Ryu's winning car.


This time, I could not go to CSW in the morning.
So we don't have enough photos of Can-Am race....

Anyway I will send all photos to Keith Tanaka for his race reports site, soon.


Hisatsugu Akitani


Retro Tokyo / Cheerio Speedway

#3 HarV Wallbanger III

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 04:29 PM

Great race guys. Haruki you will have to fly all your fast guys over for the Check Point Cup!

Barney Poynor
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#4 Gus Kelley

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 05:17 PM

Hey Haruki! I agree with Barney! What a great thing that would be, if possible. It would be Sushi for every-one. Looking forward to seeing you again. Gus in Sacto
Gus Kelley
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#5 usadar


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Posted 22 November 2011 - 10:04 AM

Hi Barney and Gus,

Long way to achieve over 320 laps.

But we have leaned a lot about retro racing.

Stay tuned for our progress.

Good D3 Racing,

Haruki Kan
Retro Tokyo
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